Far Away

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It takes me a long time to register what I just did, but when I do, I'm reduced to tears. That was not the way I wanted things to go.

I was going to say yes. I had thought of what I would say and everything, but then I saw his face, and everything crumbled. I d didn’t want to hurt him. What if he was looking for something long-term? I was leaving, and never looking back. Not settling down, not staying here to become a housewife, but leaving.

Running up to my room and slamming the door seems like a satisfying -yet childish- way to handle it. My mom stops me while I'm walking up the stairs, her eyebrows knit together in concern.

"What happened? Like two minutes ago you were walking on air." I sit down on the stairs and she sits next to me, wrapping her arms around me. She works her fingers through my tatty hair, like when I was little.

"He… he asked me to go out with him. And.. I said no." I start to cry more and my mother sighs.

"Honey…. You’ve rejected lots of boys, and I don’t remember you crying about it. What makes him different?"

"I do like him… but what if he wants something long term? I've already applied to collages far away from here. I can't be caught up with boys." 

"You've said that about every boy that’s ever liked you since tenth grade. You haven't let yourself have any fun! You're allowed to go on dates without it turning into something huge. Its not like he proposed" She laughs a little and I do too. She's right, but I'm not going to take her advice.

I will not be going on any dates with Lennon. 

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