Pre-Gig Jitters

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It wasn't until a week later that Lennon noticed me again. I didn't mind that he was ignoring me in music class like usual, but it was the night of his gig, he could at least say something. My friend Alice had agreed to go with me, warning me of the dangers of walking at night alone. I was taking quiet notes in geography when she poked me with her pen.
"Calm down, it's not a big deal. He's probably just busy and he doesn't want to be rejected. After all, you had said you'd see what you could do. That's not really a direct answer." she whispered to me. Alice knew me so well that I didn't have to tell her I was nervous, she knew by a the was I nibbled at the corner of my sweater and kept playing with my hair.
"I'm okay. You're coming over after school to get ready right?" I whispered back
"Course." She said this quickly, eyeing the teacher that was giving us a look.

That night my mom wasn't home, but I had told her I was going out. My mom trusted me. Alice and I went up to my room to get dressed. She opened her bag and pulled out her outfit for tonight.
"What do you think?" She asked, emerging from behind my changing screen. She was wearing a nirvana shirt, tight jeans, a flannel top and lace up converse.
"Lovely, as usual" I say, going to change. My clothing choice was a little more Courtney Love. I wore a black velvet dress that came above my knees, a denim top underneath that had the collar popping out, cranberry nylons (that had many rips in them) and my purple Doc Martins. I let my dark,
shoulder-length hair out of its braid, leaving it fall around my face.
"He'll love that" she said, elbowing me and pointing to my clothes.
"Tonight is not about him." I said defensively, knowing it was a lie. Alice threw me a quick look and headed out the door, with me following behind her.

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