Changing Mind

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Monday morning classes pass in a blur, but I'm sure that’s because Jazz isn't in any of them. My locker is close to hers, but I haven't seen her there yet. Its not until I'm putting my books away for lunch that I see her. She's talking to Alice, which is a good sign. They must have made up.

Once Alice is gone, I make my move. Before I can get any words out, she puts her hands up, like a surrender.

"I just want to be friends" She says, not really looking at me.

"I get that but…. Can I ask something?" I say nervously


"I thought you liked me… what happened?" My voice breaks a bit at the end, I hope she doesn’t notice.

"I do like you"

"You know what I mean" I say, and she shrugs it off.

"I guess I changed my mind" She says quietly, and leaves.

In music class, she completely ignores me and I decide to leave her alone. I can always try again tomorrow.

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