Stupid Stupid Stupid

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I tried to tell myself that no one was looking at me, as I entered music class in the afternoon 15 minutes late, but I knew I was lying. I guess it didn't really matter what they thought. Whatever. I went to the corner of the room where my guitar was resting, and picked it up gingerly, tuning it.
"Jasper, so nice of you to join us" say Mrs. Bowen, looking at me from above her round wired glasses.
"Um... Sorry" I said, biting my lip.
"Okay class, from the top"
I didn't really like music class, at least not this kind. I didn't mind classical music but I didn't enjoy playing it, either. Still, I did it to make my mom happy. This was the only way she would let me go to band practice on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
I turned around to pick up my sheet music, and noticed something from the corner of my eye.
Someone was looking at me quite intently.
Our drummer, Lennon, was stealing quick looks in my direction. As we started playing, he looked away. it was odd really, he had never even noticed me before. Maybe it was because he was popular or incredibly handsome, not to mention his band was amazing. I didn't even realize we had stopped playing until 25 pairs of eyes shot in my direction, all but Lennon's.
I walked out of music class quickly, steering my way through the crowd with impossible diligence. Somehow though, someone had caught up to me and tapped my arm. I wheeled around, almost ramming into the tall boy with broad shoulders and dark hair.
"Oh!" I squeaked in surprise.
"The faults mine." Lennon said in a quiet but direct voice. He got a little close so I could hear him "I just wanted to give you this" he handed me a small folder with the words "lonely parade" on it. I recognized it. Was he really inviting me to see his band?
"You're playing?" I asked
"Yes. And I would love it if you would come to see me." He took a step forward "it's not secret that you're band is pretty good. I would love to get your opinion."
"Okay, I'll see what I can do" I say, turning. I walked away quickly, trying to hide my smile.

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