Epic Rock Ballet

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Alice and I decided to walk to the cafe instead of driving, mostly for the thrill I got from walking downtown at night. Walking into the joint, we were taken over by the smell of coffee, and good coffee too. After the coffee hazy subsided, we looked around.

There were band posters every where, and art done locally too. An amazing stage at the back, with tables and chairs around it for listeners, caught my attention. All the tables had their own little vase that had flowers in them. The bar was on the other side of the cafe, right when you walked in against the right wall. Against the other wall was a fire place that had couches around it it a little semi circle. The whole place was painted a deep green, and it really made it feel cosy.

We took a seat, sitting at one of the tables close enough to hear, but not so close that it blew your eardrums. There were people everywhere, all waiting in anticipation for the band to come.

Almost everyone there was drinking, and most of them seemed hammered. This made me nervous. Not that I couldn't take care of myself, but it wasn't like I was very big. Thankfully my friend Alice was tall enough to be menacing.

All of a sudden, the place went dark. Alice gave me a look when one light turned on, the spotlight, aimed directly at the person standing in the middle of the stage.


At first, he looked like he was looking for someone, his eyes searching the crowd, checking every corner. Probably looking for his girlfriend. I think bitterly. Then his eyes land on my. He smiles widely, trying to hide it, but you can tell. The band band starts to play, and I am mesmerized. They are amazing! I couldn't believe a high school band could actually be this good!

About halfway through the show, he starts playing something softer than the rest. Plucking at individual strings, he scans the crowd.
"This song is for someone here with us tonight. She knows who she is" he says, and winks at me. I shake Alice's shoulder
"OMG did you see that?" I ask. She smiles at me "You lucky bitch" she puts her arm around me "nicely done"

Lennon starts to sing
"What's he gonna do, write a stand up act, yeah I'm sure she'd appreciate that. I feel I've got a beat but when it runs out as sweet I think I got this in the bag
Yeah there's more thAn a hint of worry in his eye she thinks it's his comedic touch that'll get him by
But over the keypad my fingers do tremble
Planning every word with such need to be careful
Well this girl ain't the same as the one that you're used to
I guess I though that this would be news to you
When I look her in the eye I just want to go and die
I just can't overlook her innocence....."

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