Morning Zest

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As I finished getting ready, my mother came downstairs.
"Morning sunshine" she said so me, groggy but still wearing the smile she usually did.
"Mhmm. Morning" I replied, not so friendly
"C'mon honey, where's your morning zest?" She said. This was a common expression for her, and I didn't take too kindly to it.
"As a matter of fact, my morning zest is on vacation," I replied bitterly "and would like to request that you stop trying to call it back." My mom put her hands up like someone convicted of a crime, and walked slowly to our small kitchen.
"Bye Jasper! Love you!" I waved goodbye and walked out the door.

I thought about my dream as I walked to school. My mom once sent me to counselling, and I told her about my dream. She said it was tied to how badly I wanted to get out of this town, so I could go to a good school for music. I guess that had made sense. No offence to my mother, but I didn't want to stay in this town like she did. It sucks you in like a black hole, and it's hard to get out of if you settle. I was in my senior year of high school, and right after that I planned to apply for university. No set backs, no distractions. I had to focus.

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