Steven Doesn't Want To Get Beat Up By Trevor Anymore

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Steven: *packs his suitcase* I had quite enough of this!

EstherLehcar: Quite enough of what?

Steven: Trevor always beating me up, when I get on his bad side. That dude is savage.

EstherLehcar: That's no reason to pack your suitcase, and move away. Stay here. You're gonna be okay.

Steven: No! You can't stop me from moving!

EstherLehcar: Oh no? *takes Steven's clothes out of his suitcase*

Steven: Hey, stop that! *puts his clothes back in his suitcase*

EstherLehcar: *takes his clothes back out of his suitcase*

Steven: Quit it! *puts his clothes back in his suitcase*

EstherLehcar: You're not moving away, Steven! *takes his clothes back out of his suitcase*

Steven: My safety is my number one priority! I'll do anything to keep myself safe from that skunk!

Trevor: What did you say?

Steven: Nothing!

Trevor: Why you packing your clothes, Steven? Going on a trip?

Steven: I'm moving away! I can't get beaten up by you anymore! *packs his suitcase all over again*

Trevor: You ain't moving, and you will still get beaten up by me! *beats Steven up*

Steven: *getting beat up*

EstherLehcar: *unpacks all of Steven's clothes from his suitcase, folds them up, and puts them back in his drawers, while Steven is getting beat up by Trevor* There we go!

This story was written on Sunday, March 28th, 2021. (Palm Sunday)

A/N Steven ain't moving away, and Trevor will always beat him up, whether he likes it or not! 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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