Chapter 16

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December, 10 Months Earli

Noel leaned her hand against her chin as she stared out the frost-covered window of her family's car. Her mother was eagerly chatting up the chauffeur, though all Noel could think about was that she would rather be sitting on the bus beside Riley right now on the drive to Connecticut. The actual music competition was the least of her worries. She was mostly looking forward to seeing Riley, if only for a brief period.

"Noel, don't draw on the window with your finger like that," her mother said from the front seat.

Noel hadn't even realized she was tracing circles into the misted windows until her mother had pointed it out. She disappointedly set her hand back in her lap and continued looking out the car. It was another cold, clouded day, and the snow on the road only seemed to delay the ride until finally, after what felt like several hours, they pulled up at the concert hall where the competition was being held.

In the distance, Noel could see a bus with her university insignia. She quickly grabbed for her violin, ready to meet up with the rest of the students, but her mother grabbed her arm.

"Not yet. Let's find a place to sit first," she said.

Noel sighed and begrudgingly walked with her mother toward the front of the concert hall, where her accompanist gave a friendly hello and met up with them. Though he spoke with Noel about the upcoming performance, she only half-answered his questions and kept scanning her eyes across the sea of people, looking for her peers. As they were looking for spare seats, Noel gently tapped her mother's shoulder.

"I have to ask my professor a quick question," Noel alerted her mother. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay, but be quick. You're one of the first to go," her mother said.

"I will," Noel promised. She scanned across the rows, and while she recognized a few students, she didn't see Riley anywhere. Making sure she was out of her mother's sight, she slipped out of the concert hall and into the lobby area, wondering if perhaps Riley had gone there. The hallways were clearing out as the competition starting time approached, and Noel knew she didn't have much time to kill.

When she walked back and forth across the lobby and found no one to speak to, she disappointedly supposed she would use the restroom before her competition. The nerves never bothered her enough to use the restroom before competitions anymore, but a part of her didn't want to head back to her seat so soon.

As Noel opened the door to the restroom, another young woman around her age was stepping out. Noel quickly apologized and moved to step out of the way, then paused. Riley was standing in front of her, she realized. She was wearing a nice black dress and tall heels, but that wasn't what had caught Noel's attention. She was distracted by Riley's hair. The braids were absent, but instead of Riley wearing her natural curls, her hair was shorter and softened straight, looking entirely different than Noel had ever seen it.

"Riley! I'm glad I ran into you. I wanted to wish you good luck," Noel said, letting the bathroom door shut behind her so they were both still inside.

"Oh. Thanks," Riley murmured. Perhaps it was the stress of competition getting to her, but her voice lacked the enthusiasm it normally did, and she was purposefully avoiding eye contact with Noel.

"I'll try to rush back to my seat after I go so I can see your performance," Noel promised.

"Okay," Riley replied. She scooted slightly, trying to get past Noel to the door, when Noel suddenly frowned.

"Um, forgive me if this is too personal, but...what happened to your hair?" Noel asked.

Riley let out a deep sigh. "Professor Brown told me the braids weren't professional enough. So I got them removed and just straightened my hair today. Don't look at me like that. I mean, they were slated to come out soon anyway. I'll get over it. It could've been worse. He could've gone and told me to get it chemically relaxed."

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