5: Are we still together? 🥺

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About 3 months passed since Nick and Selena parted ways- all for Justin's cause. Selena was happy with her life- she had started writing an album with her friends- she and Taylor were going on tour together this October.

As for Nick- he had started an album- all 15 songs were about Selena. Not those toxic songs- they were nice love songs. Some were... pretty sad. No-one knew that, though. Nick has been miserable- he had stopped eating some days and he turned scary skinny.

Joe had been trying to help with everything- he had to check on Nick mostly every week because he had been finding Nick constantly passed out on the kitchen counter.


I have been writing a few songs for the Album- Taylor and I are also going on tour this October, it's gonna be fun, but not so fun when Justin is whispering in my ear every single second. Taylor suggested that we should do something, but I don't want to, I'm scared of him.

There was a new event coming up I was supposed to be there to host the Teen Choice awards. I few people are going to be there.

I was walking down the streets back from Starbucks, my phone rang. It was Justin again.

"Ugh- what do you want!?" I snapped into the phone, making the people walking next to me, stare. He's been nagging me all day- can't a girl get some coffee? 

"I'm checking on you, Selena," he said, his raspy voice sending chills down my spine. 

I was rude to Justin- but I didn't dare make a move on him.

"I'm just getting coffee- why're you still worried about me meeting Nick, I haven't seen him in like 3 months!" I shot back, leaving him fuming on the other side. 

"Selena- get back here, right now!" 

I sighed, ugh- what is wrong with him?

"Fine- I'll be there," I walked back to my car and drove home- Justin was being abusive and he won't let me do anything that doesn't involve him. We both had to lie to the media that we were back together- and the whole world believes. Whenever we'd go to some award show- he'd come with me and make everything extra cringey.

I drove up to my driveway- seeing another car at the front door- what the?

I parked it and locked my car- who's coming over at this time? Couldn't be an interview for me... or for HIM. Ugh- I turned the doorknob to the house and went inside- seeing the most shocking thing.

"HEY!" I screamed at Justin- who was strangling a red-faced Joe. "Let him go, you stupid idiot!" Joe's eyes opened wide and looked at me- 

"Arent you... dating him?" Joe gasped out.

I gave him a disbelieving look and shook my head no. He gave a struggling oh and tried to get out of Justin's grip.

Joe gestured to me to help him and I scanned the room- Taylor would be so pissed if she knew Justin strangled her boyfriend. I couldn't imagine what she would do- expose him in front of the whole media?

I spotted the fire poker at the corner of the fireplace and picked it up, slightly touching the tip in case it was hot- I might be mean, but I am not heartless. 

I stormed over to Justin and lounged at him with the poker, making him yell in agony. "Bitch-" he let Joe go and I ran for my life- luckily, Joe was quick enough and grabbed Justin by the waist and slammed him to the ground. 


I wasn't going to miss this chance- I slammed my fist into his face a few- ok, a hundred times until Selena pulled me back- 

𝕲𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖟 𝕺𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 (Nelena) | *Book 2 in the Nelena Series*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ