14: Saved 🎉

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(Nick and Joe- setting everything up...)

"Alright," said Nick, dusting the last bit of dirt from the smooth table. They found their secret planning base thing- the guy was kind enough to lend them the whole entire building... Joe thinks it's pretty creepy.

"I can't find the binoculars-" said Joe, pulling out the things Nick bought from Target earlier that day.

Nick groaned and said through gritted teeth, "For the last time- they're not binoculars- it's a telescope, for God's sake!"

He dug his hand into the huge plastic bag, pulling out a rectangular prism box. "This, my friend, is a telescope."

"Ah," said Joe, taking the box from Nick's hands. "This thing is slick- ooh, wait- what is it used for again?" 

Nick facepalmed himself and got up with the laptop in his arms, "We're gonna use them to spy on Justin- in case he comes out of the building. We'll have a webcam through the telescope and the webcam would be connected to a digital screen, which would project what a normal person- you and me- would see if we looked through the telescope. Then, it would be easier to know if he's leaving the building or not. And if they try to take Selena out of there, we'll know, too."

She brushed his hands off and put them to his hips, "Any concerns?" 

Joe tilted his head and Nick crinkled his eyebrows- "Nothing, I'm good-"

Zayn came down the worn-out stairs of their base. He was carrying a few things- his phone. Yeah, that was all he was carrying.

"So... this is the place?" he said, looking around the room. Joe arched his eyebrow and spat- "What? This not enough for you? you expect some modern high-tech place!?"

Zayn raised his hands in the air and said, defensively- "Naw, I just- I didn't mean it that way- this place is a great place- I see you've got a, uh- a- telescope?" He pointed at the telescope Joe was holding-

"Okay-" started Nick, taking the telescope from Joe's hands and walking over to Zayn. He held it out, "Listen here, buddy- this telescope will save us so much time and- the number of people we have. Kevin- he's like the... uh- overwatch!" Zayn arched his eyebrows but continued to listen. "Yeah, the overwatch- if Justin or his guys are about to take Selena somewhere, we'll know and it'll be faster."

He stopped talking and Zayn was aware of that, so he mentioned- "Wait, how does it do that?"

Joe facepalmed himself and Nick exhaled loudly- "Just- you'll see for yourself," he said, setting up the telescope at the side of the window. 

He pressed his eye to the hole and closed the other eye. Joe and Zayn watched him as he adjusted the telescope's position.

"He's a genius," mumbled Zayn. He was talking to Joe and Joe was aware of that. "Why are you so not like him?"

Joe squinted before he realized what Zayn said- before he even took out a word, Nick backed away from the telescope and raised his hands in the air- "All done!"

Joe glared at Zayn, who just simply smirked at Nick.

(Selena- tied in a chair...)

"I'm bored, are you bored?" said Justin after they finished their lunch. Selena just glared at him and he plopped himself down on the floor.

"I wish I gave you the wall and took the chair all to myself," Still no reply.

"Now- when's your boyfriend gonna come and save you- does he not have enough time?" Justin continued to ask questions- questions that bothered Selena- a lot.

𝕲𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖟 𝕺𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 (Nelena) | *Book 2 in the Nelena Series*Where stories live. Discover now