21: Starting Over 🍦

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It was Sunday morning in Nick's house, the power couple was still sound asleep. It had been three days since Nick came back, he took a few breaks from the celebrity life to spend time with Selena. They haven't really spent any time with each other much since they got together in the first place.

They took the last few days, having fun, going on cute dates, picnics, romantic dinners, doing the... thing, and that included waking up next to each other every morning starting from that day. They were starting over with their 

Selena shifted her body so that her hand would rest on Nick's chest. Nick blinked slowly at her slow movements and smiled to himself, his eyes still half-closed. It had been three great mornings; waking up right next to his beautiful girlfriend.

He placed his arm around her waist and tried to roll over so he could fully hug her.

"Ugh, good... morning..." Selena said, her voice a little low. Nick was awake now, but his eyes were still closed. "Nick?" she groaned softly. "Are you still sleeping-" He took her by surprise as he grabbed her waist and pulled her back down onto his chest. "Yes, and I'm begging my dear beautiful girlfriend to cuddle with me-"

"Nick, I can't, we can't," Selena started, her voice muffled as the side of her face was pressed onto Nick. 

"Why not?" Nick said in a fake English accent. 

"Because," Selena started, pushing herself off of him. "We need to do other things." She pulled the blanket off of her and walked to the bathroom, leaving Nick on the bed all by himself, breathing slowly. 


Nick stepped out of the shower, a towel around his waist and a smaller one in his hand, wiping his wet hair. He could hear the sound of Selena's humming downstairs while she made breakfast. Nick smiled to himself as he walked into the closet, picking out a brown ripped t-shirt, and some short trousers. 

He made his way downstairs, smiling at Selena, who stopped humming and greeted him with a smile, "Hey! I made pancakes, your favorite!" Nick cringed slightly as he looked over at his grinning girlfriend, "How'd you know pancakes were my favorite?"

"I called Demi- and she told me," Selena said, proudly. Nick shook his head, "What else did that girl tell you...?" he said, shaking his head in amusement as he took a seat around the kitchen island. 

"She also told me that you're a very loud roommate," Selena said, looking at Nick who started tucking into his breakfast. "Awe, come on, she can't say that!" Nick said through the chews. "She legit sings with me- and she adds in all her screams and- high notes! It's so unfair really- she could take like five minutes of her time to sing out a high note without even breaking her voice."

"It's because she's a girl, babe, you can't expect guys to go longer-" Selena watched nick take a bite of another pancake.

"Well- look at Zayn, he's an awesome singer!" Nick reasoned.

Selena nodded, "He is pretty awesome... He looks good too," she said, smirking. Nick cringed at her and rolled his eyes, "Sure..."

 Selena glared at him and tapped her chin, "You went to Demi when you broke up with... what was her name again?"

"Olivia," he said, turning back to his plate of pancakes. 

"Right, her..." she said with a hint of jealousy in her voice. Nick noticed and his face formed a pout, "Come on, they say you can't be jealous of something that doesn't exist!"

Selena shook her head and chuckled, "I know, I'm not jealous I'm just... I never thought she was right for you," she said, shrugging. She made her way over to him and hugged his neck. Nick shook his head, "I was pretty devastated when we broke up." 

𝕲𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖟 𝕺𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 (Nelena) | *Book 2 in the Nelena Series*Where stories live. Discover now