6: Holy Shit- 😳

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I gulped and looked up at her- "Are we still together?" 

I was sure she'd say no- but I also hoped she'd say yes; I had no hope in us before Justin came into the picture- what if she doesn't want to be with me anymore? I shook off the feeling as Selena looked away.

"Nick, I need to work things out. It's been months since we've actually had anything and I don't know if I could-" She tried to continue, but before she could continue, I leaned in and kissed her mouth. my hands trailed down her sides as I pulled her closer to me.

I pull back from her slowly before anything got too steamy and she looks down at her fingers- oh no, I know that look. 

"Selena- I think we can still be together; we just have to stick with each other- and trust me this time when I promise I'll stick with you." 

I smiled at her, but she was still looking down. 

"Listen- I promise. OK, Sel?" I urged, trying not to get impatient. 

She looked up at me and mumbled, "You promise?" 

I nodded, "I promise-" We kissed again and- things got pretty heated after that...


Nick and Selena lay on the couch, both naked- a thin blanket covered their bodies. She was sleeping on Nick's chest with his arms around her shoulders. 

"Well that was nice-" Nick started, but Selena cut him off, "I couldn't breathe!" 

Nick chuckled, "You asked for it, gorgeous, I could've done it harder but I guessed you couldn't have handled it-" 

Selena slapped his chest and groaned, "No way- you definitely gave it your all!"

Nick crinkled his eyebrows- "Since when did we have sex and then talk about the sex we just had!? This is unhealthy!" 

Selena played along, "Pfft, it's in my blood."  

Their conversation was overheard by a mimbo at the window (See what I did there?) It was one of Justin's crewmates and fake friends- he's been told to eavesdrop around Selena's house in case anyone- Nick in particular- visited. He crouched down and shuffled to his car, driving off to the dark alleyway that Nick was once captured.

"Ah- no a little less on the ice, please!? I'm a famous singing sensation- how did I hire a bunch of clowns to take care of me!?" Justin's voice was heard from inside of the alleyway, he was treated to his wounds- the ones that Joe caused.

"Dude- Mr- Justin! The Nick guy is at Selena's house!" yelled the mimbo- okay his name is Guy. "Literally- I just saw them have sex!" Justin's eyes widen, so did the others as they rushed to Guy, asking him heated questions like- "Was it better than porn?" and "Did you see her... thing!?" also- "Did you hear anything!?"

"Shut up!" Yelled Justin's voice over the weird questions, making his way to Guy. "What'd you hear?" 

Guy gulped- "Well, I heard moaning-" 

"No!" yelled Justin in frustration. "What did you hear apart from the you-know-what!?" 

Guy's mouth formed an o and he whispered the whole conversation of Nick getting back with Selena into Justin's ears, making him lean back with a gasp.

"Oh fuck that guy-" said Justin, forming a fist with his hands, making Guy jump back, terrified. "I mean Nick, not you, Guy- Nick," said Justin, patting Guy's shoulders. "Good job, these asses here didn't do anything at all except make my bruises worst!"

He made his way back to his chair and sat down, making the others- Guy included- sit down on the hard concrete. "We'll need a plan- and by 'we' I meant me, so you just listen," Said Justin, prying his eyes out at the men. 

"Alright- so my plan is real simple, you ready to listen...?"


The window rustled as I heard the shower run. I pulled up my pants and looked outside, the wind was picking up, I better well go home but I can't just leave Selena in the shower without acknowledging her- oh well, fuck the rain, I'm so staying.

I leaned on the door and knocked. 

"Come in!" yelled Selena from the other side. 

I chuckled and yelled, "Not falling for that one, Selena!" 

She sighed and yelled, "No, I'm already done and dressed, just brushing my hair!" 

I nodded to myself and opened, seeing her fully nude on the other side, water running down her damp brunette hair.

"Damn it- I fell for it!" I said, disappointed. 

She smiled a cunning smile- "You can join me for round two?" 

She bit her lip as I sighed, "No thanks, I really gotta go-" 

I went in the shower, trying not to get wet, and pecked her lips- "We'll stick together, I promise!" 

She smiled and sprayed water at me- "Ugh, Selena! I'm trying not to get wet here!" 

"I can see that," She giggled and I dodged her other spray, pointing the nozzle straight for my face. I walked out and went out the door, closing it shut behind me. I thought I saw something- but I guess it was just getting dark, probably my own shadow or something.

I shook off the feeling and went downstairs- I turned around quickly as I heard a creak at the stairs. Silent- 

"Selena?" I whispered- I really need some lights, right now- my hands waved in the air as my eyes stayed on the dark section of the house- weird. The lights switched on- nothing.

I turned around, trying to mask the feeling that I was getting spooked out. I turned around to walk backward- it makes me feel a lot safer; "Bye, Selena, love you!" I yelled as I turned the doorknob and jogged out to my car- there wasn't any wind right now, but I swear I just saw the hedges move- squirrel? No way, this is California!

I drove out the driveway when I saw something in the corner of my eye- a baseball bat heading into someone's yard.

"Holy shit-" I whispered to myself.


Holy shit am I right!? this is getting weird and spooky at the exact same time! Keep reading to keep... finding out what happens :D

𝕲𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖟 𝕺𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 (Nelena) | *Book 2 in the Nelena Series*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant