Chapter 9

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(Warning: Torture and blood!)

Atsumu's POV~

I woke up with my hands tied behind a chair. My eyes were blindfolded and I swear I could feel my blood pulsing through me. 

My bare legs rubbed against each other making me notice I was naked. The cold air pierced my skin.

"Hello!?" I shouted to no one. I listened for anything but the only thing was the sound of my heartbeat. I frowned and began yanking my arms

"Just ropes" I whispered to myself as I began digging my nails into the rope. The material rubbed against my skin making it bleed. I didnt care at the moment though. I continued until finally the ropes snapped.

I kept my hands behind my back and waited for someone to open the door. Finally when the door opened I could feel my breathing get heavy.

"Hey hey hey! You're awake~" A voice spoke as I felt someones hand grip my hair. My head was yanked back harshly and I couldnt help but shiver. My bare body was pressing against the cold ass chair and my hair was getting pulled.

"Did you get hard from me pulling your hair!? Wow no wonder Sakusa likes you so much" He whispered above me and I felt his hand run up my leg. I shivered.

"P-Please leave me alone" I whispered. My voice hurt and my throat was dried. I heard a dry chuckle before I was being lifted. He must've known that my hands were untied because he gripped them.

I winced and hissed as I was being carried into a different room. Finally my blindfold was taken off and I shut my eyes due to the bright light. 

"Tsumu!" Someone shouted. My eyes opened as I saw a large tv on the wall. On the TV was Osamu, Suna, Sakusa, Komori, Oikawa and Suga. 

"Please Dont do Anything!!" I pleaded as I looked at the camera. 

"Dont come for me" I whispered to Sakusa who's face turned angry. A loud high pitch scream left my lips as my blood ran cold. A liquid dripped down my arm where I was just stabbed. 

I cursed under my breath as I looked over to the man who was putting some black gloves on.

"Im missing someone on the call~ how about your body guards~" Suddenly Kuroo and Akaashi were now on the screen as well. 

"Well lets just say you're quite the star! You have all your loved ones watching on one camera while on the other that you havent even noticed is live for the entire world to see"

Everyone was looking at my naked body. Everyone saw me get stabbed... 

"Please... stop" I whispered as I felt my body go numb. 

"No can do" He mumbled before going to a table that was covered with different types of knives and stuff. 

"PlEase No!! Im BEgging you! PLEASE" I screamed as he grabbed a sharper blade. Just then did I notice my body was tied to the bed. He walked to me and ran his finger over my cheek.

I flinched away and screamed when I felt a blade in that same place. 

"TSUMU!" I heard Osamu scream from the screen. I looked over and saw everyone's expressions. Suga and Oikawa were crying. Sakusa looked angry and guilty. Komori looked scared. Keiji looked like he was holding back his tears and Kuroo looked angry.

The blood dripped into my lips. I closed my eyes and let out another scream when I felt a blade running down my thighs. BOTH of my thighs. 

"Im surprised you're still able to say awake" The man laughed before I felt a blade running down my side. 

My head was getting fuzzy as my eyes drooped. "Do your worse" I spat at him. I was digging my nails into the rope as he went to the table of blades. Finally I got free and I automatically untied my legs. I got up and snuck over to the table of blades.

I grabbed the sharpest one and stabbed the mans back. 

I let out a low groan when the cuts started gushing blood. My legs felt like they were gonna give up on me and my side hurt. I walked to the bed and grabbed a sheet. I cut off small pieces and patched my body up.

I took another knife and slit the persons throat open. I didnt notice it but i had begun crying. Finally I collapsed on the floor my body finally giving out.

Sakusa's POV~

I smirked slightly when I watched Atsumu kill Kotarou. I got out the car and walked into the guarded house with no troubles. Komori was following me and Kuroo/Akaashi were behind Komori. 

We all walked in and were met with multiple guards. 

Kuroo pulled out his walkie talkie.

"All units move in I repeat all units move in! Kozume get working on the cameras now!" 

"Copy that! All units moving in now I repeat copy that all units are moving in now" Someone responded. 

Gunshots were fired and people dropped. I didnt care. I pushed past everyone with Komori following behind me stabbing anyone who walked in his way. We got to the door before running to the basement.

The strong smell of blood clogged my nose as we got closer.

"Atsumu! Respond if you're awake" Komori shouted. No answer. I got out my gun and shot the lock. We ran in and turned off the cameras. I grabbed Atsumu and laid him on the bed.

Komori got out his walkie talkie and pressed the button before speaking into it.

"Satori! Down to the basement now we need medical care"

We got an automatic response, "On it!"

We heard footsteps before someone walked in. satori and Keiji were standing there with a medical bin. 

Akaashi rushed to Atsumu's side and looked for a pulse. 

"He had a pulse! Its very small though!" With that Akaashi turned to Bokuto who was laying on the floor. 

"He also has a pulse. Im going to stitch up his wound.." Akaashi mumbled while grabbing the tools. I didnt even protest I was to busy helping Satori stitch and patch up Atsumu.

Akaashi stopped the bleeding and stitched it up along with the wound on his back. I sat back, pressing my back against the bed.

~With everyone else~
~No one's POV~

People were fighting. A lot of people died that night. Lev and Yaku were on opposite teams. Yaku was on Bokuto's team and Lev on Sakusa's. Ushijima was on Sakusa's team. 

"Daichi! To many people have been injured! Grab the others and get out of here!" Kuroo shouted at the male beside him.

"Ushijima! Iwaizumi! Get as much people as you can and get them out of here!" 

"Got it!"


Poor Bokuto... I dont really care :)

Anyways guys I wanted to say!! Im officially Lesbian and Genderfluid Im also Poly so :)

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