Chapter 21

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Sakusa's POV

The day was full of Atsumu whining and sleeping. He caught a cold and was not taking it lightly. Osamu and Suna had came to visit along with Suga and Daichi. I let them visit him but they had to wear mask.

I was taking care of him pretty well surprisingly. I wore a pair of black latex gloves and a light blue mask along with a face shield. I havent gotten any work done in the past 3 days because I was taking care of Atsumu.

I sat in the living room scrolling through my phone with Komori beside me just peeking in. 

"He's been sick for almost 4 days already.. Maybe you should take him to an actual hospital" Komori whispered. I looked over to him with a confused look before looking back at my phone. 

"My face is wanted everywhere. If I go I'll get caught and Im not letting anyone bring him anywhere" 

"You posted a picture of yourself on his Instagram and now you're complaining. Just call his twin and have his twin bring him to the hospital. " 

"FINEEEEE" I got up and started to walk upstairs when I was met with whines and cries of pain. I slowly walked in the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Omiiii" Atsumu whined and he reached for me. 

"Im gonna call your brother to see if he'd take you to the hospital" Atsumu slowly nodded and whined as I stood up. I pulled my mask down and kissed his forehead before walking out the room.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Suna's number.


'Hey Sakusa whats up?'

"I need you to tell Osamu he needs to pick up Atsumu and take him to the hospital. He's been sick for the past 3-4 days and its only been getting worse."

'Alright I'll tell'

The line beeped and I walked to the office to get some work in. When I walked in the office there he was my dad sitting at the desk with an angry look on his face.

I took a deep breath before walking to my side of the desk and sitting down.

"What do I owe this pleasure" I said sarcastically. My father smiled creepily at me before pointing his gun in my direction. 

"I told you not to get distracted and what did you do? You got distracted. And all for what? That pretty boy... Its funny.... You're my son! You took up my business and if you will not act like the mafia boss that you were born to be I'll eliminate you and take your boy toy for myself! Last chance Kiyoomi! Fix yourself or pay the consequences" 

and with that he was gone.   

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