Chapter 18

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Sakusa's POV

I stared down at the buttons and looked around. I was gonna press my button I was just making sure that the chairs were correct and the snake bitch didnt lie.

I saw the little bits of red on his chair and I took a deep breath. "Hey Atsumu.." I whispered my finger hovering above the button.

He looked up at me and I sadly smiled at him. "Live life to the fullest... Dont give up, and learn to love someone else.. Aiko... After this you let Atsumu go and you let his friends and family live. You have to fucking promise!"

"I promise you dumbass" She growled and I looked to Atsumu who was crying. "P-Please Omi-Omi press my button! D-Dont die please!" He cried out. I shook my head and smiled at him. Tears were streaming down my face but I didnt seem to care.

"You were amazing Atsumu..." I took a deep breath and looked down at myself. "I wish I could've been a better boyfriend... I wish I would've been able to see you walk down the isle but all good things come to an end... I love you Atsumu Miya.. Keep living dont fall into depression learn to love others and find your dream man." His tears streamed quickly down his face and I tried to smile.

I let out a low sniffle before looking towards the buttons for the hundredth time. "Close your eyes Tsum-Tsum" I whispered.

I looked at him and smiled sadly before bringing my finger down.

Pressing the button.


Nothing happening... I pressed the button again but still nothing happened. Aiko clapped her hands together and laughed.

"You past the test" She said as her clapping came to a fault. 

"You're free to leave. The both of you" She unchained us both and I immediately went to Atsumu's side. I grabbed him and hugged him like he was going to break. 

I thought I was losing him. I thought I'd never see him again. His arms wrapped around me as he let out a broken sob. Here we were again reunited as one. My lover was in my arms. We were both safe.

"Lets go... Im gonna go treat your wounds and we'll go home"  I whispered and lifted Atsumu up. I turned to Aiko and nodded at her before running out the room. Atsumu was clinging to me and I could feel the blood dripping onto my shoulder.

"Dont worry... Do you know where they kept your ring and necklace?"  I wasnt leaving without it. I wasnt leaving without his stuff. He nods and looks around before pointing down the hallway. I quickly rushed down the hallway.

"The door to the left" He whispered and I kicked the door opened. There was no one inside so I quickly rushed in and saw both the jewels on the table. "Here sit for a sec" I said placing him down on the chair and grabbed both of his things.

I put the ring on his finger and gave him the necklace to hold onto. I lifted him up again and took off running towards the exit. I ran faster then ever. I had Atsumu back in my arms. I had him back and I was happy. I thought I was going to lose him and never see light again.

I fished for my phone and sighed when I found it. I pulled it out of my pocket and dialed Komori's number. 

"Kiyo! Kiyo! omg Bubs!!" Komori shouted sounding like he was crying. "Komori... I got us both out.... I need you to pick us up at *****" I heard a lot of shuffling before a car starting. "Im on my way" He said before I hung up.

I sat at the edge of the sidewalk and placed Atsumu on my lap. I gently wiped the blood on his lips. I smiled at him before realizing they took my mask. It was alright though as long as Atsumu was safe thats all that matters. 

I leaned forward and gently kissed Atsumu's lips. He flinched before wrapping his arms around me tighter. He kissed back before we slowly pulled away. I leaned my forehead against his and finally let the pain of the gunshots spread through me.

We were both covered in dirt sweat blood and tears and everything was so well. The car pulled up and I lifted Atsumu with a wince. I sat in the backseat with Atsumu on my lap.

"Its good to see you." Komori mumbled before taking off. I chuckled and looked down to see Atsumu fell asleep. "Do you have your walkie talkie?" Komori nodded and with one hand grabbed it.

I grabbed it form him and pressed the button. "Kiyoomi here... I need Maki ready to treat mines and Tsumu's wounds... We're on our way back to the household now" 

"Good to hear from you boss everyone was worried. Im on it now" Maki's voice came. I handed Komori his walkie back before leaning back and falling asleep.


"Kiyo!" Komori shouted and slapped me making me jolt forward and wake Atsumu. I glared at him before lifting Atsumu and getting out the car. We both made our way to the infirmary so we could get patched up.

Maki had me lift my shirt so he could stitch the wounds after he got the bullets out. He fixed up Atsumu as well but he seemed kinda off.

"I need to run a few test on Atsumu if thats alright. Nothing big just to see if theres anything else I need to fix" Maki mumbled and I nodded. He rolled Atsumu's bed to another room and after about an hour he came back. 

He was fumbling with his hands and looking around trying to avoid eye contact. "Whats up with you?" I asked as he began to pace.

"You're not going to like this" He whispered as he finally looked at me. Atsumu was behind him holding back tears.

"Tell me" I commanded and rolled my eyes. It couldnt be worse then both of us almost dying. It couldnt have been worse then almost losing the love of my life.

"I did the test on Atsumu and.." He paused for a second and I waved telling him to keep going.

"Atsumu had semen in him that didnt belong to you... Atsumu was raped"

HEHEHHE Enjoy :)

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