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Today was the day

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Today was the day. It was the World W Academy talent show. I was so excited. I wanted to show off my amazing skills, me being Singapore.

My friendly classmates would try for the talent show too. America, Japan, China, Moldova, Canada, Britain, and Sicily.

The judges are the Nordics: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland. I was preparing, Picardy would be my dancer, America would be my drummer, and Britain played the guitar.

When suddenly one of the props attached to a pulley dropped and fell on Sicily. The drop startled me, as I jumped aside to dodge it. She blacked out, but then I fell down four steps of stairs and was out cold.

Romano, Veneziano, and America scurried over, to lift off the fallen prop.

When I regained consciousness, everything was blurry. It was so blurry the faces of America, Romano, and Veneziano were blank furry blobs.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay Sicily?" Romano asked concerningly.

"What? Sicily?" I thought.

How did my clothes change?

I was wearing comfortable baggy clothes with sparkles. And now I was in a white dress and stretchy leggings for gymnastics.

I stared to my right.

Is that a clone of me?

The idea raced through my head. I freaked out.

I pointed my forefinger at me and then her.

Sicily sat up.

She was still regaining consciousness. She turned her head left and right groggily. Her eyelids squeezed and her eyes were thin like a stretched-out lens-shaped rubber band. It was like things were still a blur to her.

America placed his hand on the upper back part in a friendly manner.

He was holding her up.

"Singapore are you okay?" America asked concerningly.

America stared at her with sympathetic worry.

"Oh heyyyyy..." Sicily responded in a dazed state.

She smiled faintly and dazingly.

Then Sicily Shook her head quickly in a blur and regained full consciousness.

"What happened?" Sicily questioned.

"You fell off some stairs." America answered.

"I remembered being hit by a prop."

"That was Sicily."

"Wait." Sicily spoke aloud.

Sicily stared down. She jumped.

"I know. Your bruises are awful." America responded.

She scanned across the room and stood up as if on guard in a alpha male pose, with her shoulders slightly raised and her arms out and stiff in crescent shapes.

She stopped doing the gorilla-like pose.

She covered her chin and mouth with her right hand, spreading out her fingers.

Then she took a deep breath and recollected herself.

She stared at America's watch.

It was time.

The curtains were already drawn forward closing in. Everybody had twenty minutes to practice. In anytime the announcer would walk on stage, assuming it's Finland, make his speech. Then the curtains would draw open gracefully.

All the performers hustled and bustled. And chittered and chattered.

I observed the room, I wanted to skim through and check up on what other people were doing. I did not let it take my time, because I know my priority was to practice whatever Sicily's act was.

Japan was in a karate gi and had wooden boards and a ninja yoroi. Taiwan had ribbons for dancing. Liechtenstein had jump ropes, Canada had a basketball. Estonia had a turntable and a synthesizer, Wy had a hula hoop, Austria a piano, Moldova had lollipops, Scotland, Britain's sister had a bow and arrow, Germany had his German shepard Aster. France had his many Pierres', his birds and a composer baton, KugelMugel and his hackey sack and China with his microphone. South Korea had a white screen. And Greece held up his happy, smiling little cat Toby. Latvia had a rubik's cube.

I remember Greece's audition.

"Hi Greece. What will you be doing?" Finland asked fervently.

Greece gave a very descriptive explanation:

"I will be jumping with my cat."

Finland was confused.

What did he mean? Jumping with his cat?

There were other performers. They had not brung objects, but had partners. The kids were Sealand, Ladonia, and Osaka.

And KugelMugel's audition. Poland tried to audition.

Was it KugelMugel or Poland?

"Can I bring a pony?" Poland asked.

"No" Finland responded.

Then Sicily with my band, America and his drum, Britain, and his guitar, and of course her, who is in my place as singer.

Sicily flashed a nervous smile and waved at me. I waved back.

Suddenly the chitter and chatter was no longer from the performers, but from the audience, hidden from behind the curtain. I had no idea how large the crowd was, but it sounded like a whole tone of people, to the hundred.

I shuttered. Performing in front of a whole crowd of unknown faces nerve-racked me.

Then Finland left the backstage to move in front of the curtains and behold the faces of the audience.

A/N: The school prompt was a talent show body swap. I just did not want to reveal my real name, so I just called myself some country I could think of, Singapore sounded cool after all my cousin lives there, and I really like her.

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