Other Short Performances

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The next performances are quick and easy to explain and Finland announced all their names before too.

The next performer was Wy, she did a hundred hula hoops.

After Wy was Scotland.

Scotland show off her archery skills and even shot an arrow using her legs and feet. Wales held her, but struggled under all the strain, it was obvious on his face. I noticed a sweat trickle from his face.

After Scotland, Moldova performed. He juggled lollipops to Dragonstea din tei.

And America danced once again doing the shoot, the sprinkler and the Orange Justice. With Canada following soon after.

After Moldova, Germany had his performance.


Germany did dog tricks

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Germany did dog tricks.

Germany commanded his dog Aster to perform jump rope by circling the jump rope, place his hind legs up, move between Germany's leg, leap on his hand, leap through hand loops, leap over his hand, balance on his hind leg, hug, roll over, and jump through hoops.

And after Germany was Wales.

Wales had an octagon shaped rubik's cube. He solved it in ten seconds.

Then it was the talent show intermission.

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