Britain, America, and Sicily

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Next it was Britain, and America's performance with Sicily as me. They first were performing "Girls Just Want To Have Fun." By Cyndi Lauper.

A whole bulb line lit up and glowed attached to the stage. Fairy lights dangled from the ceiling and glowed a snowy white.

I watched Sicily sing "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"

She sung a different style having been born in Italy. She did a cartwheel. Sicily put a spin on the act asking the drummer America to do more drumming.

Then colorful neon laser beams flashed from the spotlights.

Sicily is a great singer, so she pulls it off. She also performed well with Picardy, because, she knew Picardy well. She even did a run cartwheel and backflip during the performance.

Then Sicily and Britain sang "I want to Break Free." By Queen and Britainplayed his guitar.

Afterward it was time to determine the winners of the talent show.

Macau was at first place for the Michael Jackson performance. China was second place for singing 朋友 Pengyou by Emil Chau and, America, Britain, and Sicily reached third place.

Later when I was back in my body, and so was Sicily.

"Hopefully I did not mess up your performance. Did I?"

I told Sicily.

"No its okay. I had fun." Sicily answered.

The End

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