Liechtenstein and Switzerland With Hungary

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"Next we have the incredible Liechtenstein and Switzerland!" Finland announced.

Liechtenstein and Switzerland walked on stage. They were followed by Hungary who I figure is there to assist them. Switzerland and Hungary took both handles of the two jump ropes. They spun the two jump ropes swiftly round and round with agile ease.

Take on me by Aha! played in the background.

What America hears:

Liechtenstein ran between the ropes with agile ease too.

She jumped twenty-five times in a consecutive row. Afterward she started alternating, she jumped on just her left foot ten times and then her right foot ten times.

She repeated it twice.

Then Liechtenstein started running in place and did it in one minute, she moved her legs so fast, it was like the beating wings of a hummingbirds, in the jump rope. Then she leaped out, switched places with Switzerland.

Back before the performance.

"Remember what we practiced." Liechtenstein told him.

Switzerland nodded.

Back to the present.

Switzerland ran in between the ropes and did an absolute 360-degree backflip. It was timeless and he avoided the ropes like a pro.

"Ooooh!" the audience wooed.

Then Liechtenstein jumped in, spinning one of the handles, Hungary handed the other handle to Switzerland, he spun with his little sister, looping circling twice, and doing it backwards.

After the siblings did fifty-six more jumps, they finished, and the audience applauded.

They both left the stage.

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