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"For our next performers we have Greece and his cat Toby! They will be, um ... jumping. Please welcome Greece and Toby!" Finland announced.

Then YMCA played.

Greece set down his cat Toby. In front of him was a very tall crossbar at least half a meter taller than him.

Greece and Toby backed up. Then they ran and leaped right over the pole and landed right on their feet.

Then Greece showed that he could leap very far, he jumped across ten feet.

Afterward he was done.

Greece walked back stage and huddled his fluffy cat. He rewarded Toby with a treat.

"What are you doing?!" America questioned in astonishment.

Greece was feeding Toby grapefruit.

(A/N: Giving you cat grapefruit is not recommended. My aid told the story of her cat Turbo. It was strange, because grapefruit and wine did not seem to have any poisonous effect on him and he lived to full age for a cat fourteen, I think at least)

"Toby enjoys grapefruit." Greece responded.

"I thought fruits were poisonous for cats."

"Well another, one of Toby's talents, he is unaffected by grapefruit. Just like when a goat seems fine after eating wood."

"Uh-huh. Why you choose not to use cat treats?"

"Because Toby only eats cat food, because it is necessary for him to live." Greece commented.

"You know what is even weirder. I have a cat named Holland who enjoys swimming. I even have a video." Greece commented.

"Greece legit has a cat who enjoys swimming. I watched Holland swim with Veneziano." Japan commented.

America laughed.

"Okay, goodbye." America replied.

"**** this **** I'm out." By the Theme Song played in his head.

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