Japan With Osaka's Assistance

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"Next up, please welcome Japan!" Finland announced.

Japan waved at everybody, he was in his karate gi.

"Konbawa." Japan greeted as he walked upon the stage.

Osaka set up a dozen wooden boards, help up on the sides by four bricks.

Japan held a stance.

"Hwoya!" Japan exclaimed.

His leg flung as he jumped up to do a high kick.

He chopped the wood in an instant. Japan completed his karate chop.

(A/N: This may be culturally insensitive. Pleasedo not take this as offensive, I am part Japanese myself, so I making fun of myown ethnicity. I am self-deprecating. I have nothing against their culture andtheir all beautiful in their own ways. I just want to make a reference to fruitninja. You can skip ahead if you want, and then I will tell you it is done)

Then for his next act, Japan changed into his black ninja yoroi. Japan held his two katanas. Osaka threw several fruits an orange, pomegranate, dragonfruit, a banana, watermelon, apple, lechee, and a longan.

America played "I want to be ninja."

"No, don't play that." Japan responded.

(A/N: This is a slightly disrespectful as a Chinese American, but it is way funnier than disrespectful)

(A/N: Someone must make this an APH MMD with Russia and China)

Japan sliced them all.

Then Osaka threw a durian.

Then Japan sliced it in half.

But, that was a really awful idea, because then it left an awful after-stench.

China, America, and South Korea chocked on the smell.

"It smells like someone attacked my nose with a butt." America complained.

I pinched my nose just to be safe.

"What is wrong?" Malaysia questioned.

"Get that out! Get that out! Now!" Denmark yelled.

Osaka swept the floor clean.

(A/N: It is done)

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