Chapter 3:One Hell Of A Day: Part 2 \(-.-)/

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~Zayn's POV~

So I'm sitting here at the Horan's dining table trying to explain what happened.

So far I haven't even been allowed to open my mouth. Right now I'm taking a perverse pleasure in watching that Asian man and Niall's mom fighting in what sounds like Japanese.

Don't even ask how I would know.

So the Asian man is walking out the door so maybe I'm not going to end up on the streets again.

Niall's mom faces me and begins to speak, “Okay Zayn that guy isn't even suppose to be in here. I don't even know how many times he gotten in here and he only comes to use the kitchen. So your not in trouble. Whenever you see him in here just yell "Asian" that's the code word."

"Roger that." I replied.

She asked," So now that covered. Tell us about yourself, Zayn?"

I started with the beginning," Well, my names Zayn Jawaad Malik. I'm 17 years old. I come from a town in England called Bradford but moved to Mullingar, here, because of a gang I joined when I was about eleven twelve years of age. The gang didn't kill people they only sell drugs, sell prostitutes you get the picture. So two days ago I told them something I've never told anyone. So yesterday they dropped me off in what seemed like the middle of a park and took EVERYTHING away from me. So I went to a nearby Starbucks sat on the outside bench of it and that's when Niall came to my rescue and you know the rest."

They nodded and hugged me and in unison they all said," Welcome to the family. Now let's go you clothes,shoes,haircut,wallet,cellphone, EVERYTHING!!"

I felt happy but weird at the same time because this makes Niall and I brothers.

I brushed it off and put on a jumper and headed out the door with my new family.

This is going to be the start of something great and new!

We got in the car and it went a little like this.

Bobby in the drivers seat with Maura riding shotgun.

Niall, Louis, and I sitting in the middle.

Liam and Harry in the back burning holes in the back of my head.

We finally arrived at the mall after what seemed like hours.

We all got off and ran in to Mullingar Mall. IT WAS HUGE!!!!

The first store we went to was called "BaDaSs" it had everything I loved in it. From sneakers to everything. I love this bloody store. IT'S AMAZAYN!! Lol see what I did there? I wish I. Lived here and owned it. I wish this was my closet. I started looking around looked at a few tags and bloody fucking hell the prices were pretty high well for what money I had which was about €20.

€150 for a bloody leather jacket. Since I never had a lot that is a bloody lot to me.

I was afraid we wouldn't be able to shop here no matter how much I like so I went to find Niall and his parents since it was a pretty big store.

I found them and asked," Hey guys everything looks pretty high priced here so I don't think we can afford stuff so let's go-"

Niall cut me off,"Zayn my family has quite a bit of money we could buy the whole store if we wanted to so since your apart of this family you share our money so come on pick what you like."

Okay Zayn maybe you should've realized that when you first saw his house.

"Well do I have a budget or something for here?" I asked curiously.

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