Chapter 3: One Hell Of A Day: Final Part

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~Zayn's P.O.V!

I'm all ready right now. It's 7:50. I forgot to text him.

To Fab: Hey come pick me up at 2424 E. Muir Street ~Z~

From Fab: Kay, Babe be there in 2. ~F~

I smiled. I checked my hair and clothes in the mirror one last time. If I was going on a date with Niall I would look like a peasant, but this is Fa. He doesn't care what I look like he just likes to spend time with me. I hope.

I get a text from Fab saying he's outside. I began walking down the steps then a cute little Irish voice sends chills down my spine.

"Hey Zaynie where you goin'?" He asked.

"I'm going out for a walk maybe get to know the neighborhood a bit more." I lied

"Oh okay I'll come with you and show you around." He offered.

"NO! I mean no your probably busy and I just need to get some things off my mind." I rushed.

"Fine then. I can tell when I'm not wanted." He mumbled and it made me die a little inside seeing him sad and I don't know why.

I walked out the door to see Fab's car outside with him leaning on the car door. He looked up and saw me and instantly smiled. I smiled back and he grabbed my hand and I felt nothing. Not that I've ever felt anything before but when Niall grabbed my hand I felt sparks and warmth rush threw my body. Why aren't I getting that with Fab?

He led me to the car and opened the door like the gentleman he is and let me slide in the passengar's seat. He got in the driver's seat and started up the car.

"You look lovely Zibear." Fab said.

"Same to you." I replied.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise." He stated.

As he began driving I remembered this road.

~Flashback Begin~

My Mum,Dad, and I were going to the beach and I was sooooooo excited. I was only ten. It was my first time coming here and they promised if I got good grades they would take me. I was sunny today and that was rare. We were laughing and smiling and just having a fun time on the way there. We were at a stoplight and then this guy was driving on the wrong side of the road and didn't stop and he came into our car head on hitting my mum and dad. Hitting them both and instantly killing them the guy in the other car was smiling at me and mouthed. . ."

~Flashback Over~

"Zibear we're here." Fab said as he opened my car door.

I got out and began blinking my eyes rapidly before coming out of the car so Fab wouldn't see. He always hated when I cry. He said it ruined my beautiful face.

When I got out tears were gone and my fingers were laced with Fab's. He lead me to a more isolate part of the beach to be greeted by candles in the sand and rocks shaped in a heart with a table for two in the middle.

"Awwwwww...did you do this for me?" I asked Fab.

"No but I did help. My friends helped me setup because I wouldn't have finished it by myself with the time limit I had." He laughed.

"You have and awesome laugh." I said absent-mindly.

"You have one too." He replied.

He pulled out the chair for me and pushed it in when I sat down. He snapped his fingers twice and to Italian looking guys came out with sliver platters covered. This one chef had something on his mouth only letting his eyes show. They looked familiar. I brushed it off and food was set in front of me.

~1 Hour Later~

"Thanks for the lovely first date. It was nice." I said.

"Your welcome but seriously thank you for accompanying me on it. Zibear do you believe in kissing on the first date?" He asked.

"I always have." I replied and I felt Fab's lips on mine. They were rough. I wonder how Niall's lips would fell on mine. Zayn snap out of it. I kissed back and then we pulled away. I walked into the house to the lights of except one that was on in the kitchen. I walked in.

There was a note on the table," Zayn, there is dinner in the fridge. ~Love, Mom" I smiled.

I looked at what was in the fridge. It was Nandos. I'll eat in the morning. I walked up to my room put my phone on the charger. I stripped off my clothes and went to bed. I have school in two days. 


~Niall's P.O.V~

I was looking outside the window trying to come up with lyrics to a song.

I saw Zayn coming out of a car with some guy. No not some guy but the Jansport guy. My ex. I saw them kiss and it broke my heart. How could he move on already? It's only been a week.

They pulled away and I had tears in my eyes. I saw Zayn and he was smiling that broke my heart even more. I can't ruin his happiness so I'm not going to tell him. I turned of my light and went to bed.


~Secret P.O.V~

Once he finds his true love. I'm going to started the cycle over again. Zayn Malik watch your back.


So how do you guys like it. Omgash Zayn's ex is Nialls ex WTF! Who's the secret person. NIALLS POV FINALLY! Imma update again tomoz. Okai VFC! VFC! VFC! Oh yeah I'm i n The 1DBromanceAwards so come vote I'm apart of the Lepercan Awards lol spelled that wrong PURPOSELY lol TPPP! Woah! Okay yeah love all you readers so much. I never tought that ppll would still be reading this. Yeah.

So how you guys doing. Next chapter is Zayns frist day at skewl! Okai well yeah! See yah tomoz


P.S: sorry for spelling erros and stuff. And I would love to talk to all my fans and stuff. And I would love to say so much more in my A/N's but ntns coming to mind.  

Tell your friends to read.

P.S.S'P.S.S: if you watch Dance Academny I need you to message me cuz I love that show and need to talk to someone bout it. #TeamBara/Ten

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