Chapter 5: Let's Make It Offical -(.0.)-

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Chai guys! So because hardly any of you voted by Friday. I had to flip a coin. The first one I flipped was. BROMANCE Vs. GIRLFRIENDS and the outcome of that one was (Drum roll) ............BROMANCE!

Then the second set I was for LARRY Vs. LIRRY. Because nobody said lilo. And the outcome...............(Drum Roll) is...........

(Niall Voice) Chappie Start!

No the winner is...........

(Niall) Chappie Start!!!

Fine fine you angry irishman.


~Zayn's P.O.V~

Alexxine looked shocked. Why? Fabien held my hand and put his fingers inbetween each one of mine. He grabbed my schedule and lead me to English. What's werid is I felt nothing. I brushed it off. We arrived at english.

"Babe, it sucks we only have one class together and that's P.E," Fabien said.

"I know," I said.

He let go off my hand. I was kind of happy he did for some reason. He grabbed my cheeck, closed his eyes, and started leaning in. I backed up because I didn't want to do this we aren't even boyfriend and boyfriend yet. I hit the wall.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa," I said while pushing him off," we aren't even together yet."

I walked into class without even giving him a chance to answer. When I walked in I saw Louis and Alexxine next to each other on the left side of the room. On the right side of the room I saw this boy who was glaring at Louis. Huh?

As soon as the bell rang the teacher walked into class and everyone stopped talking and faced forward.

She looks up at me,"Well you must be, Zayn Malik."

I just nodded my head.

"Well then, come up here and introduce yourself," She said as she signaled me to come up there.

I slowly walk up there while everyone's eyes are on me.

I was at the front of the classroom facing everyone.

"My names Zayn Malik," I say as I look at the teacher.

"Well enough," she huffs,"your seat will be next to Mr.Evertt, Mr. Evertt raise your hand."

I look around and finally found the raised hand who belonged to the guy who was glaring at Louis.

I walked over to the seat and sat down.

"Hey, I'm Dylan," he said. Wait. Alexxine's Dylan. No wonder he was glaring at Louis.

"Hi," I reply.

"Alexxine's looking at you......she must like you." Dylan says sadly. Yup that's him.

I turn around and sure enough she was looking at me smiling and trying to hold back a laugh. She gave me a thumbs up.

"Well guys this is the last week of school and then you guys have Winter Break," everyone cheered.

"So everyone once Friday comes school is out for three whole weeks!" She cheers.

~After English & History~

English I understood but History no no no. Not for me. I think I'm going to hate having Core class first and second period.

"OH MY GASH! My name's Zayn Malik. Wow! We didn't even know that." Alexxine says sacastically while mimicking me.

"Hey! Not my fault," I said acting innocent," oh hey your boyfriend Dylan is kind've insecure and think you like me or Louis. Go cheer him up," I said.

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