Chapter 3: One Hell Of A Day: Part 3 =>

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Okai finally updating Yah! Its all because of Boy__Directioner. He made me write this by his beautiful comment! So thanks. I hope yuh guys like it. I'm so sorry my stories suck BAD! Oh I also I have so many ideas and I was wondering if there is anyone out there who either wants to co-write or help me choose which idea to put on first I even have a lil thing up for a story In The End its a boyxboy and I think its going to for sure have ziall but I don't know what other bromance to do so idk need help wif that so if intersted please message me

Look at In The End on my profile and read it and tell me if I should continue.

Fan asianlurver she's awesome and one of my friends at skewl. Read her fanfic Besides That 2 oh and "2" isn't apart of the title lol

Chappie START! *Niall announcer voice*


~Zayn's P.O.V~

There he was Fabien in his total complete hotn- no no no bad Zayn. Damn fuck it. So the whole reason my gang dropped me was because of Fabien let's just say.

Niall was waving his hands in front of my face saying," Zayn, Zayn, Zayn, Zaynie!"

My heart fluttered at the nickname he gave me which also snapped me out of my overlooking my past. I blinked my eyes to adjust to the really bright light.

"Sorry I spaced out. Okay! Let's get this thing started," I said apologetically.

"Um were ready!" Niall said as he waved his hands in the air for someone to assist us.

Just by luck Fabien noticed and started walking over and as soon as he saw me he sent me a apologetic smile but then a smirk. He stopped in front of Niall," Okai so I'll be your Jansport guy today, names Fabien, Fabien Lynch. I will take this one to the back to get his backpack chosen and fitted." Weird since backpacks have straps and stuff but okay. "When We come back out he will have his official backpack.

He guided me to the back where there is like every single backpack ever made was. It's Jansport Paradise.

He grabbed a few and threw them to me to try on rather harsly might I add as he said," So Malik got yourself a new bloody fuck buddy I see," his voice seeping with jealously which was cute. NO NO NO!

"Just because yuh "Fuck" random people dosen't mean I do bastard!" I yelled back.

"Zibear, what happened to us?" He asked with tears welling up in his eyes.


"I know I fucked you over........the counter.......but anyway. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it was just I wanted so badly to be there and now without you I'm lost Zayn I need you back please? Please? I'll do everything I didn't do when I was your man please just give me a second chance?" He asked.....wait more like begged he was on his knees at my feet with tears streaming down his face.

"Fine I'll give you ONE more chance but if you screw this up your out!" I said.

He jumped up and gave me the most wet,lung tighten bear hug I've ever had.

"Can't breath." I barely squeaked out.

" Okay I'm taking you out on a date tonight?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Okay what time should I pick you up?" He asked.

"Um......."I replied.

"8. Okay look good!" He said happily.

"Um how will you pick me up?" I asked.


"Nope." I replied popping the "P".


"Got stolen." I said looking at him with my hands on my hips.

"Sorry about that! The gang wanted it." He replied innocently.

"Well when I figure something out I'll tell you before I go.

We walked out as I had my black,red,blue,and white plaid backpack on my back. They came to me and pulled the backpack off me and paid for it.

~A Few Hours Later~

Its already 5 and we got supplies for my room,nessecary tools for school,toiletries, and now that we are almost done getting little things here and there for me we are getting the last thing on the list my cellphone. I'm so happy I hope it better then the one the gang bought me. Ughhhh hated that phone. Never again. NEVER again.

Me and Niall are sitting outside of the confrence room where the papers and everything is get sorted out.

"Hey Niall," I asked the question that's been bugging me,"why did you save me?"

Niall opened his mouth and then the door opened and his parents gave me my new phone it was AMAZAYN!

"Unlimited minutes,texting, and brower!" His mom cheered.

"I hope you like it?" His dad asked hopefully.

"I hope you guys know you don't have to do this for me." I said.

"Oh but we do your our family and no one in our family goes without good treatment and everything they need." His dad said.

"Well group hug." I said. We all hugged for a good minute and let go.

"Hey where's Liam, Louis and Harry?" Niall asked.

"I don't know you guys should look for him and I'll go to the bathroom and meet you at the car. Okay?" I asked hoping they would let me go so I can tell Fabien.

"Okay see you later, Son." Hi- My no Our dad said.

I began walking to the Jansport store and then I see Fabien.

"Hey Fababe." I said.

"Hey Zibear. Whatcha' need?" He asked surprised but happy.

"I just needed your number for our date tonight." I said as he smiled widly.

"Okay love here's my number text me when you get home." He said.



I walked out to see the gang at the car. I got in and put my seatbelt on. I got my phone out and was about to put Fabien's number, but Niall stopped me.

"Here's all of our numbers for your phone, brother, and the box with the charger and stuff in it is in one of your bags." Niall said.

"Thanks!" I cheered.

We got home and packed everything up my room let's just say looked plain awesome! Everything was in place.

"Ahh." I sighed as I fell into my bed. It's a really awesome bed. I turned my head and looked at the clock. 7:00 P.M. Bloody hell I've got to get ready. Time for the date. I get in the shower and started my preparation. 


I hope yu guys like it. Took me 4eve. Because I lost the papers I had on this chapter to copy but they got ripped for my notebook and so I kind've have to freestyle this one. So yeah! Also hopefully ill be updating TOMOZ AND SUNDAY. WHY? Well because I'm in the bromance awards my little cookies! So vote for me when the session starts at @1dbromanceawards I'm under the category Ziall. Obvi! Oh and sorry for SPELLING LAUNGUAGE AND MISTAKES OH PIC OF SIDE OF FABIEN!

Well VFC!


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