Chapter 2: Meeting His Lads & Evastrapping ^o^

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Srry srry I haven't posted in a really long time but I'm here now I've finally got my inspriation lol I spelled that wrong okai so yeah srry but there will be an authors note at the end so please read it. 


~Zayn's P.O.V~ 

We entered Niall's house and got tackled by people yelling Niall's name. They got off of us and they all looked at me.

One of the lads asked," Hey, Horan a new boyfriend? Already?! If not I'll take him."

In all honesty he's cute well then again they all are but they are nothing compared to Niall. Niall is something else and personally he's a million times better than anyone else on the planet. Well that's what I think.

I looked at Niall and looked back at the three lads in front of me and spoke,"Vas Happening names Zayn Malik."

One with curly brown hair and green eyes spoke,"Hey names Harry. Harry Styles." He then took his hands out of his pockets and held one out for me to shake and I hesitantly put my hand but then he took his hand away right as I was about to take it and started combing his hair. I started laughing and so did everyone else. Then we actually shook hands..

Another one with straight light brown almost blondish spoke," hey mate, Liam Payne." He gave me a smile and I gave him one back.

Then I was engulfed in a hug by one with feather light brown hair but darker then Liam's and lighter than Harry's. I hugged him back awkwardly and looked up and saw Harry. Harry I think I saw jealousy in his eyes but then again I'm not super sure.

The one in my arms spoke as he pulled away," Hi I'm Louis and I love hugging and carrots I think hand shakes are over rated I think. Okay I think I sound dumb so I'm going to close my mouth." I smiled at how much energy he had. I then yawned and Niall must've noticed because he spoke.

Niall said,"Zayn come on you will sleep in my room so you won't be lonely tonight." He put up a finger to the boys I just met to signal them to wait a little bit. He grabbed my hand and I felt sparks again and my heart fluttered at the taught of us sleeping next to each other.

We were in his room and Niall handed my some gray sweats and a gray tang top with some Clavin Klein boxers too.

He spoke, “You can take a shower if you want and if that the towels are in the washroom downstairs. If not just change and you can take the right side of the bed. Oh and get some rest because we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I nodded and he opened the door as he exited and left while closing the door. I walked over to the electrical outlet on the wall and reached in my pocket to take out my cell phone and then I realized I had nothing. I went downstairs like Niall had said and heard talking. I stopped in my tracks and kind of evastrapped. I cupped my hands around my ear and was able to make out the conversation.

"You don't even know him Niall." It sounded like Liam.

"Liam my heart is telling me to save him." I was right. This voice was Niall's.

"Ok, but once you get robbed or put in some deep shit don't come crying to us." Liam replied. Did they really think I would do that?

"He doesn't even look like he's homeless. I bet you he's upstairs texting his friends planning some big ass plan to take you down or something." It sounded like Harry. I would never do that even if I did have my cell phone. I'm not even upstairs. Its my first day being homeless. Ever heard of don't judge a book by its cover.

"Ever heard of don't judge a book by its cover guys," said Niall and Louis at the same time. Aha that's what I just said but in my head. My heart fluttered because Niall is defending me even though he barely knows me well. A smile creep on my face.

"I have my eye on him. Bye Niall." With that I heard a door open and close. I stood up and ran upstairs. I changed quickly and turned off the light and jumped into bed. I heard a door open quickly and some muttering of words that I couldn't make out.

I felt the bed dip and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


End of that chappie. I hope you guys like it. Um....sorry for the REALLLY LONG wait for this but stuff has been happening you know. Message me if you want I'm here for anyone. Oh sorry for mistakes and the language. I LOVE YOU GUYS. 



P.S: These shuld be getting longer cuz I'm not the best at them and stuff. 

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