Chapter 6: Winter Break & Ignorance .-.

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Chai guys I'm incredibly sorry for such the long wait and i know you probably want to kill and strangle me and maybe even more but im going to try my best to make it up to you thank you all of my readers who didnt give up on me and read my updates and everything yuh guys gave me the strenght i need to write the rest of this and thank you everyone who has read, voted, commented, and followed i love you guys so much so enough with my rant i could go on forever but im not going to waste yurh time cuz i know yuh wanna read and yuh already know what im going to say so......

 Warning: Contains Cussing

Chappie START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~Zayn's P.O.V~

So schools been going fairly well. Life in general thought sucks. I've made more friends at school and has made a name for myself because now I'm a badass and a bully. Fabien and I have been doing well, I guess but my feelings for him aren't there and he isn't even qualified as a crush anymore. Later on today thought I'm planning on finally doing what I couldn't but should have done a long time ago. I'm going to quit it.

Okay, well today has now been a week since we have been off of school for winter break. Niall and his friends haven't talked to me in about a month. I hate being ignored by the one person I want to talk to the most. My feelings for him just keep growing and they won't stop and I have a feeling they probably never will which in all honesty I don't really mind. I just wish he could return the feelings.

Well now that I have gotten the obvious out of the way time to dive into detail. I've made friends with Fabien's friends which are Josh and Justin.

Josh is cool and really chill quite at school and isn't really involved but with us he's like the energizer bunny on crack so outgoing and loud. He and Niall would be really good friends. He has known Fabien for awhile just like Justin. Justin is our HSH (High School Heartthrob) every girl begs to get in his pants even though he's really not that hot and he has his eyes on someone but I'd rather not have them trying to get at my Niall. Crap I just called him mine. He's not even mine even though I really wish he was.

The other friends I hang out with that Fabien doesn't know about -because he';s a protective wanker- are Austin. Danielle, and Eli, 

Austin he has a massive crush on Alexxine and is really outgoing and is an okay singer. Danielle is in love with Liam and is really sweet and a really good dancer. Eli is in love with Clare and is really into directing he's awesome at it too he showed me some of his pieces the other day.

Now enough of them on to the people I really want to accept me.

Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry, Alexxine, and Dylan they are all downstairs except Dylan of course because the have this thing every winter vacation where the all of their parents take their presents and go away on vacation and all the kids live in one house for the three weeks with just them no babysitter or people to check up on them and it is awesome but lucky for me they just had to have it here so I'm just up here in my room not even getting out of here unless its absolutely necessary. They don't even look at me or talk to me.

Well, except Alexxine she brings me food and water and talks to me from time to time. She really is a great girl and now I see why the guys and her are just best friends and nothing more because she fits in like one of the guys but is girlie at the same time if you know what I mean. She's been helping me alot but I think the guys might think she has a bladder problem because every time she comes to see -which is quite often- me she claims that she's using the bathroom and sometimes she brings food and we get carried away talking so the guys may think that's weird because I know I would.

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