To The Rescue

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As we ran back home to Slenderman's huge house, I had already plotted revenge on Jack for making me run so much, and my lungs could shrivel up and fall back deep into my chest cavity, but Jack, wilt Jeff slung over his shoulder and frantically trying to get away from the diverse cackling of the woman, he pulled me foward, straight into the front door.

As soon as we were inside and Jack had Jeff upstairs in his room, that horrible, cackling laugh protruded us, and we had to get Slenderman, but one downfall. He was still injured.

"What do you mean someone's coming?" Slender asked weakly, trying to sit up.

"Someone is chasing after us, they almost killed Jeff and-"

"Wait WHAT?!" He shouted, and before we knew it, He disappeared from his bed and was in Jeff's room. They were both hurt, and we were all gonna die if we didn't do something, in a sick twisted way none the less.

"Jack, what are we gonna do?!" I shouted, looking at him with desperation and loss of hope. "We're all gonna die if we don't do something!"

"I don't think that's your biggest problem..." He trailed off, peaking his head out the front door. I looked at Jack that had a terrifyed look on his face, which for him was hard to recieve. I looked at what he was looking at, and seen the girl, giving Jack and I a sick, twisted grin, with a deadly insane look casted permanetly in her eye.

He had a hold of Toby, headlocked in one hand, and a knife in the other. The wind was harsh and almost violent, thrashing around the trees, and not in a straight line, but in swirls and whirlwinds of epic proportions.

The sky was a nasty dark purple, black and green, and every once in a while you can hear the thunder, and then see a vibrant green lightning bolt light up the sky.

Toby was half dazed, and barely conscious, trying to keep his head straightforward, only to bob and sink back down towards the ground. I felt myself become helpless, only to be surged with a pissed of anger gifted from only either the devil himself, or Zaglo.

I busted away from Jack, who tried to pull me back inside but I ripped away from his firm grip to face the insane girl who still gives me nightmares. "GIVE HIM BACK!" I shouted angerly, my eyes feeling like they were bulging out of my own skull.

She gave out a blood curtling cackle and gave me a huge, deadly grin. "Like I ever will!" She cried, disappearing with Toby in hand. I followed after her until I was back at near the lake, but she kept going. I felt that my lungs were gonna burst, but the memories I shared with Toby gave me a sudden burst of adrenilen and anger and pushed me forawrd.

I followed the now faint but growing cackles to the lake, the culprit sitting by the edge, dressed in pink blood tattered shorts, riderback light pink shirt, complete in sunglasses and a huge sunhat. She was reading a TeenMagazine and relaxing as if she was by a pool, or at the beachside.

I skidded to a stop behind her, almost collapsing from out of breath and exhaustion from chasing this woman. I breathed in heavily, only to cough back up what I breathed in due to the feeling it felt like I was breathing in pure fire.

"W-Where is he." I panted, trying to slow down my breathing so I could actually feel my lungs. She smirked and peered above the page she was on, and turned to look at me.

"Ooh, he here." She cooed, casusally flipping to the next page. I scowled and figgitedly stood up, my legs wobbling from the pressure in my own blood.

"What do I have to do to get him back?" I spat. She looked over hre shoulder at me and grinned, immediently popping off her bum to stand straight up and look down at me, making me feel incredibly small.

"You see those pile of leaves, over there?" She asked, pointing to it. I looked over and seen a huge pile of leaves next to a big oak tree. I nodded, and she gave me a twisted grin. "Well, I have one exactly like it at the bottom of the lake." She replied, walking over to it and beckoning me to follow.

"When times halfway up, the hole will began to fill, but still gives you time to save... Whoever is down there." She replied, making me want to slap her across the face. She picked up a pebble and dropped it on the leaves, only for it to collapse in on themselves and show it was a huge 8 foot drop from the surface.

"The top, that is protecting your hubby is a slow melting solid when in contact with water, as you guessed, melts," She explained, leading me back to the pond. "He's at the bottom of the lake, right now, and the only thing that's protecting him without the covering over the hole melting! Is a press of a button, which removes the metal door." She replied, shaking a remote with a red and a green button.

"Now, if you WANT to save this guy, there's honestly only one way, and that's to try to swim to the bottom," She replied. "After finding the second waterproof remote here somewhere, and then remove the door yourself, grab him and go. Although, the pressure might be an issue."

"What do I do about that?" I ask, looking at her with a hate and anger so strong it put the fear of god in Zaglo. She grinned, and slowly steped towards me.

"Well, there is a helment here somewhere, like a scuba diving helment, but there's only one. Both of you could suffer greatly. You have to make a choice."

~~~~~Editor Note~~~~

I've wrote for three days, I had to end it somewhere. But anyway guys, ENJOY!!

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