United Places

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I frantically look around for the helment and put it on, then look for the remote, it being hard to find, but I found all of it surprisingly at the bottom of the hole she showed me. It was like three slenderman lengths down, which I was only a fourth of his height anyway, and I didn't know how I'd make it down there. I decided to fashion a sort of rope from random vines I found in the woods.
I let out a deep sigh of fear, anger and frustration. I could either walk out alive, and let him die, or risk both our lives. As soon as I climbed down there, her timer would start, and there would be a chance that I'd fail. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and finally started tying it to a low branch and started lowering myself into the dark descent of to hole.
When the make-shift vine started to snap I surprisingly didn't panic, but near the bottom it snapped completely, and my back slammed against the metal helmet. It hurt so bad I yelped out in pain, and it was hard for me to stand, let alone swim. Finally when I got up, and as the searing liquid pain in my spine increased, I got the supplies out of the hole, and fell to the ground, and at that, I heard the first second tick.
I rushed to put on the suit and helmet, and took the remote with me, but my back didn't help things.
I basically limped to the pond, almost collapsed, but I crawled into the water, and began to swim. I swam and swam until my lungs were once again ablaze, but I didn't stop. Once I finally reached the bottom, I found the door, but then I realized that the instant water pressure would kill him.
So I quickly decided that if I were to let the substance actually melt and slowly let water in, it would be better than to smash it, so that's what I did. As the solid became liquid he began to float. There was even a hole big enough to slide the helmet through, and so hesitantly, I took it off, letting the pressure slowly build around my skull.
I remember the water being extremely cold and frigid, and that Toby got on the suit and helmet before it completely filled with water, and what water was there he actually drank, which later made him extremely sick, but then from the lack of oxygen, I blacked out.
But once I woke up the sky was no longer in a hateful storm and the sky was blue, I knew I lived to see another day, and Toby tried to shake me awake, and drain my lungs of the blood and water.
"Clocky, Clocky please wake up!" He cried. His eyes were strung in diamond like waterfalls, which made my heart break and I coughed up the water that was trapped in my throat. He hugged me, kissed me and said that he'll always keep me safe no matter what it costed, and then we went home, where Jeff and Jack had worked things out, Jack was being hit on by a killer with glasses and green eyes, and the rest offs lived in happiness, and in fear. I can still hear that girl every now and again, by my window.
"You won't survive next time, Clocky."

~~~~~~~~~~editor note~~~~~~~~~
GUYS I AM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEE DX I've been really busy, plus I got grounded, PLUS I forgot my PASSWORD and EVERYTHING!!! DX

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