First Kill

339 6 16

Green's PoV:

Beep! Beep! Beep...

The oddly relaxing sound of the medbay scan. Is it just me, or does anyone else like it?

Medbay is quite a small room. Only two people are in this room right now; me and my son.

Or, at least, that's what I had thought.

I didn't even notice the person enter the room, nor did I live to find out who it was.

A massive wave of pain crashed through my stomach area, causing me to immediately collapse to the ground. Barely able to move, I registered a sticky, warm liquid quickly spreading across the floor. I couldn't feel my legs at all.
I could just make out a blurred figure in front of me - Emerald.....
It hurt so much...

However, the pain subsided quickly.

Emerald had broken down in tears. He crashed onto the floor in front of me, reaching out, shaking me. "Dad... dad get up... p-please" he begged between his choked sobs.

I reach out to hug him. But something feels wrong.

Something feels VERY wrong.

I go straight through my son. Staring down at my hands to inspect them, I notice they seem... see through....

No no no no no.... please no.... there's still so much I have to do with Emerald.... I can't leave him....


I take a few steps back. That's when I see it.
Me. Or, rather, what used to be me. The remains.

Blood spread all over the floor, no wonder why there's so much of it... I've been chopped in half?! How... and, more importantly, who?

My son is in danger, I need to be there for him!
I couldn't even say goodbye, give him one last hug, reassure him that I'll be okay, that I'll always be with him, just how proud I am of him...

And I'm alone here, it seems.

Just then, Yellow enters the room with Peach following closely behind. She gasps, before racing out of the room. I'd follow her, however I need to stay with my son.
One last time... it's all I will ever ask for.

A few minutes later, Blue enters."Green, are you in he- oh... OH MY GOODNESS WHAT'S HAPPENED!" She exclaims from behind Emerald, taking a few shaky breaths before declaring "Umm, okay... Emerald come with me"

"No!" He cries, kneeling down next to what used to be me, hugging me tight. Even as Blue begins to pick him up, he clings on even more, desperate to stay. It breaks my heart as our 'captain' finally pries him off, and marches back towards Cafeteria.

Lots of yelling followed. The crew began interrogating my son, which I felt to be extremely heartless and inconsiderate.

"I didn't see!" He sobs

"But surely you must have known who was in the room?" Pink questions

"No!" He shouts at them, miserably plopping down on the floor.

I stay near my son as I stare at each crewmate in turn, trying to work out who was to blame for all this.

Could it be Lime? He was definitely jealous of me. It was kind of obvious. Mainly because of Emerald, to be honest.

But could he really be capable of such a thing? I wouldn't put it past him, though.

The other crewmates seem to agree, however Black declares that he was with Lime the whole time.

So that's two people crossed off the list. Plus, I trust Orange. And I'm pretty sure it's not Blue.

I hadn't even noticed it until just now, but I was actually sat on a chair. How wasn't I going through it? Could I change myself or something?

To put my theory to the test, I focused really hard, willing myself to be light like air; to be able to walk straight through the very solid table, and... I did.

Oh... whilst I wasn't paying attention, the rest of the crew seem to have scattered again, leaving Lime and my son alone.

Lime bends down, talking to Emerald. "Leave me alone" my son sulks.

Luckily, Lime does as he says, however stays close and keeps peeking in to check he is okay.
Yeah... maybe I underestimated Lime a bit. Perhaps he's okay. Anyway, I trust him to take care of my son. He was the crew's unofficial babysitter, so I guess it makes sense that he would be the one to ensure Emerald was okay.

In the meantime, I guess I can wrack my brains about who the 'imposter' was, and what their motive was.

The Babysitter: Death Isn't Where It Ends | *paused*Where stories live. Discover now