Found The Imposter

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Brown's PoV:

I decided to leave after the whole thing with Green. Orange had just fallen asleep, and Pink was running his fingers through Orange's hair.

It was only 11:48. What am I supposed to do?

I didn't feel tired in the least, yet I went to my bedroom anyway, lying down on the soft mattress and briefly closing my eyes. There was no use, I couldn't fall asleep, but at least it was comfortable.

A while later, I heard crying, so immediately raced to Lime's room. Chocolate was sobbing in his sleep, thrashing around, clearly having a nightmare.
Aw no... it's okay, I'm here...

I place my hand on his arm, and he calms down pretty quickly. H-how? And why? Can he feel me?

"Chocolate..." I whisper, "I'm always here for you"

About 5 hours later, he's still asleep, having not uttered a single sound since his nightmare. I had no clue where the only other ghost was, but that wasn't what I was thinking about right now, for I was still trying to crack this case.

My suspicion of Pink had since lowered, but not completely. Sooo... I'm going to follow Cyan and Red in the morning, as they're the most likely to be imposters. My highest suspicions are placed on the pair of them at the moment.

However, I still wasn't 100% sure that Pink wasn't going to kill Orange, so just to be safe I decided to check.

No, it was NOT just an excuse to see them together again (because not gonna lie I'm definitely starting to ship this...)

They were both asleep when I entered, Orange's arms wrapped tightly around Pink's waist.

I was honestly about to leave, but then I noticed Pink beginning to stir. Yup, he'd definitely woken up, gently pulling Orange closer before glancing over at his clock and letting out a frustrated groan.

Only then do I notice the time, it had just turned 6:30. Finally, this night was almost over. I don't know why that's so good, it just feels like it should be. Then I could figure out who the imposters were, I guess?

Carefully wriggling out of Orange's grip without waking him, Pink stands up and stretches before reaching his hand down and slowly begins pulling something out of his pocket...

Nooooo why... did he have to do this? The imposter was him all along and this was all some sort of sick game he was playing? Messing with the emotions of his victims before watching them suffer? Was that it?

A few terrifying milliseconds (which felt like years) later, the object was fully visible.

It wasn't a knife, like I'd originally
believed - just his ID card. Huh. Never mind.

He quietly walks over and unlocks his door before glancing back at Orange, possibly weighing up his options.

Do it do it do it do it do it.........

"Yess!" I grin as Pink proceeds to lift up the sleeping crewmate and carry him down the hallway to Orange's room.
Heh, I'm rooting for them to survive.

After silently closing the door, he turns around and begins walking back to his own room. Then I happened to notice something that Pink clearly didn't; another door slowly swinging open down further down the hallway, and someone following Pink with a shiny object in their hand.

"God damn it, Pink TURN AROUND!" I scream, even though I know full well that whatever I did it wouldn't have made a difference.

Pink's hand had almost reached the handle when the knife was plunged deep into the middle of his back, being sharply twisted before getting viciously yanked back out. And I now knew who one of the imposters were.

They slunk away in the darkness as Pink gasped in pain, struggling to breathe and making a feeble attempt to turn around to catch a glimpse of his attacker. To catch a glimpse of Black, who had disappeared by now.

I watched as Pink, the ghost of him, began to stand up, confused, with his back towards me.  "It doesn't hurt any more..." he murmurs to himself, only then looking down to realise that his physical body was still dead on the floor. And he screamed. Loud.

"Hey, Pink...?" I say, reaching out an arm towards him.

"AGH WHAT THE HECK?!" he exclaims, stumbling backwards away from me and straight through the walls in his panic.

"It's just me-" I call, and he gasps in recognition.


"The one and only" I smile.

"But you're.... and I'm.... we're both..." he murmurs

"Dead" I finish off for him, sadly smiling. "It was Black by the way. And if it helps, neither of us suspected him either so it's all okay"

Pink opens his mouth to respond, but just at that moment, Green came racing in. "What happened, I heard screaming  and... oh" he makes a disgusted groan noise. "It's him"

"Nice to see you too!" Pink sarcastically exclaims, hysterically laughing in pain. "Wow this is great. Just great. I'm dead, we're all dead, everyone else is just as good as dead, no it's all fine"

"Uh..." I mumble, stepping closer to Green; Pink's reaction was beginning to scare me a bit.

"I'm... gonna go now" Green whispers, sprinting through a wall into his bedroom before I could even give a reply.

"Hey, Brown?" Pink asked, his voice still pained. "Do you happen to know what his deal is?"

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