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Orange's PoV:

This was so crazy... so many things had happened in so little time, which was just way too much to process. At least now I'll be back in  HQ... with the rest of the crew. And the killers...

"Wha- where's everyone gone?" Pink murmurs in surprise after we finally get onto solid ground again.

"Tasks" I shrug. "It only seems logical."

Playfully rolling his eyes, he asks "Is that the only thing you think about?"

"No" I innocently reply, a smile tugging at my lips.

He smirks. "Okay then... what are you thinking about right now?"

"Hmmmm...." I pretend to think for a while. "Actually never mind about that, let's find the other ghosts~"

"No, you gotta tell me first" Pink says, pulling a pouty face.

Heh heh - this is too fun. "I don't have to tell you anything~"

"But you doooooo~"

"Okay. I'll tell you" I decide, only just able to suppress my laughter. "I was thinking about tasks"

"TeLl Me AlReAdY" he whines, triggering a fit of giggles. After catching my breath, I finally tell him for real.

"I was thinking about how badly I wanna kiss you right now-"

Grabbing my shoulders, he pulled me closer before whispering "Then do it"

So I did.

No idea why we didn't do this before...

"Awwe that's freakin' adorable~" someone laughed. I freaked out, almost falling off the balcony again, but luckily Angleo grabbed me just before I did.

"Brown?" I exclaimed after catching my breath. She smiled as I raced over to give her a hug.

"Welcome back, Orange" Green laughed, hugging me next. "Missed ya"

"Heh, I wasn't even gone that long" I joked, "I must be pretty special, huh?"

"Yes" Angelo agreed, pulling me away from Green and hugging me tightly. "Very special~"

"Oh, and White is in reactor" Brown solemnly added.

"Wait... what?" I mumbled. "Like as in... d-dead?"

"H-how?! We weren't even gone for that long, were we?" My boyfriend exclaimed, "we're all dropping like flies now..."

"Poor Snow" I sighed. Poor all the kids. Speaking of, I wanna find Peach soon. I hope she's okay... she's the bravest little kid ever, and in the rare occasion that she is scared, she'll hide it from everyone else. She's good at hiding when in truth she needs consolation.

"Let's go, I guess" Green shrugs, ghosting through the wall and into the cafeteria.
Woah how do you do that... not as cool as Angel's flying thing, but still!

I was about to follow him and Brown, but then I noticed that Angelo wasn't moving. "You okay?" I asked, and he sighed.

"Well, it's White, right? She barely talked to any of us when she was living, what makes us think that it'll be any different now?"

"Come on... please at least try to be considerate, 'kay? I know you don't really like... people..." I asked, and he nodded.

"You wanna go check on Peach first? I'll meet ya in reactor in a while."

"Thanks" I murmured, attempting to walk through the wall like Green did, but ended up walking into it, which made me panic and then I proceeded to fall straight through it.

Welp okay then.

After a while of searching, I still hadn't found her, ending up in O2. "No luck?" Green asked, floating up behind me. "It's like that sometimes. It feels like it should be easy to find them, but honestly it isn't."

"I'm kinda worried about her" I admitted, sitting down dejectedly on the floor, "I just..."

"No need to explain" he assured, taking a seat next to me, "I know how it feels. Emerald is also struggling to accept help." After a moment he added "also I saw her in medbay earlier if that helps... it was a long time ago though."

"Thanks" I muttered, "I-"

"So Peach... she's adopted then?" Green asked, and I felt my whole body tense up.

"W-What... how d-did you find out? Wait..." I gulped. "She... she didn't find out, did she?"

He flinched slightly then nodded. "She seemed kinda upset, and Rose kinda started an argument with her about it."

Aw no... now I was regretting my decision of not telling her about it. At the time, I thought it was the best thing for her... but by doing that, was I just denying her the truth that she deserved to know? She has a right to know who her real parents are, after all...

"Now she hates me for it?" I quietly asked, beginning to tremble. "I don't know how I'll be able to live with that...

"Hey, shh, it'll be okay" he whispered, placing an arm around my shoulders to stop me from shaking, "she won't hate you... it may just take her a while to accept it"

"H-How do you know?" I asked, wiping my tears away.

"I was a social worker, for a while." He explained, "Mainly working with kids... it's what made me wanna get my own"

"Wow... thanks for your professional opinion then" I smiled a little. "It really helped..."

"Green" I heard Angelo snap, hatred filling his voice. "Get the heck away from Aiden, you slimy manipulative freak, or I swear I'll end your afterlife-"

"Angel!" I complained, "he was just giving me some helpful advice..."

"Oh no" he retorted, scowling at Green. "It's much more than that and he knows it."

...what the heck was going on??

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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