Moment Of Peace

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Green's PoV:

"So do we all think it was Lime?" Blue asks

Brown and I shoot nervous glances at each other - we both know it can't possibly have been him. If they all begin suspecting the wrong person, they might lower their guard around the actual imposter.

Pink seems smug, I gather he's the one who made this accusation in the first place.

"IT CAN'T HAVE BEEN LIME SINCE I WAS WITH HIM!" Black blurts out suddenly.

"I would say it must be the pair of them, but we've already agreed that Lime is innocent" Brown points out to me, walking around the table and closely inspecting the crew for any suspicious behaviour.

"So it can't be Black, because otherwise why would he defend an innocent crewmate if he was a murderer? Surely he would be convincing them all to be suspicious of each other? That's what I'd do" I declare, and Brown agrees. So they must both be safe.

Just then, the crew begin bombarding Chocolate with questions. Lime steps up, yelling at the others to have some consideration for the poor child.

"Aw, Lime, I regret that time I stuck that post it note saying 'dum' on your helmet" Brown sighs

"Heh... I think we all could've treated Lime better" I confirm. We'd all pulled of some kind of trick to make him look stupid at one point or another. Pink mostly started it, not to point fingers, I'm just being fair.

Lime tried his best to calm Chocolate down, yet clearly somebody didn't like being outshined by the outcast.

"It's okay" Pink says, stepping closer to the crying child "She's in a better place. Do you want to talk to us now?"

Brown scoffs, understandably of course. "Do you believe me now when I say he's a stupid big-headed smug idiot with an oversized ego?" I ask her.

"Yes I do" she shakes her head in shock. "Really that was an incredibly stupid and inconsiderate thing to say"

"No, it's not 'okay'!" The tiny crewmate furiously yells, punching Pink in the leg repeatedly before breaking up in tears once more and crawling back to Lime, removing his helmet to wipe at his face with his sleeve as Lime pulls him protectively into a tight hug. Chocolate hugs back, burying his face into his chest, his cries slowly quieting down.

After a while, he whispers something to Lime, his breathing still unsteady "They... went th-through the v-vents"

"He takes after his mother" I say, nudging Brown.

"Thank you" she whispers back, tears beginning to fill her eyes.

The crew decide to leave it. They have no evidence, so decide to have dinner early so everyone can calm down a bit.

"Uh, Green?" Brown asks. "Can we, um, eat?"

"I actually never thought of that" I declare, "but I don't feel hungry at all, or thirsty for that matter."

"Same. So I guess we can't" she murmurs. "I think I'll check on Chocolate. Talk again in a min?"

"Yup" I nod as she floats across the room.
Huh. We can float, too. I think I'll try that.

However she did it, I couldn't quite figure it out. Instead I fell flat on my face. "Ouch" I murmur, more of a reflex than anything - it didn't hurt at all really

What did hurt was what I saw when I stood up. Stupid Pink talking to Orange. Would he just go away for once? He knew I liked Orange. I bet he's just doing this to prove that he's better than me, even though he has an unfair advantage, because, uh... he's not dead like I am?

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