Emotions Make You Weak

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Pink's PoV:

It was true. I had called it.
Emotions make you weak.

The rest of the crew was half right about me, the fact that I had never really cared for anyone. Only half right, because I loved my daughter so much, and not because it was something else for me to brag about.

I was content that way; nothing had ever gone wrong, people didn't exactly like me, but I had their respect. That was all I thought mattered. But then I started... (this is embarrassing to admit) developing feelings for Orange. It made me weak, I got slightly nervous around him sometimes, and believe me when I say that I'm never nervous.

And when I was walking back from Orange's room? I would have definitely heard the door, or noticed someone coming up from behind me if I hadn't been so excited about what had just happened.

It distracted me.

My death certificate? Cause of death shouldn't be 'stabbed in the back by an imposter on board MiraHQ', the true cause of death is 'emotions'.

You may not convince me otherwise.

So, how about a brief insight into what was going on inside my head in those few seconds before my death?

Me kicking myself over letting my guard down, me wishing to be able to see Rose again, even if it would be just one last time, and me hoping Aiden would be okay.

But then... the pain subsided. I stood up, wondering if everything was just a dream. Hoping that everything was just a dream.

However, the universe is cruel, life is hard.

I glanced down to see my dead body. And I screamed, quite a lot to be honest.
Well? Wouldn't you do the same?

"Hey... Pink..." a voice from behind me calls, and a hand touches my shoulder, making me freak out, possibly screaming a little more. Who the heck was that?!

I stumbled away from the person, in the process I literally fell through the wall and into my room.

"It's just me-" the person squeaks, and I quickly recognise the voice.


"The one and only" She smiles, walking through the wall to join me, before holding onto my arm and pulling me through the closed door so we were back in the hallway.

"But you're.... and I'm.... we're both..." I murmured, this was all extremely confusing. We were both ghosts?! Well, I'm definitely an 'Angel' then. DAMN IT THESE JOKES CAN WAIT.

"Dead" She sadly smiled, finishing my sentence for me. After that, she said something else, however I was too shocked to register the words that came out of her mouth, and I didn't hear a single word of it.

I was about to asks her how long she'd been there, when Green came racing in. "What happened, I heard screaming and... oh" he makes a disgusted groan noise. "It's him"

Why did he say it like that? "Nice to see you too!" I sarcastically exclaim, his rude gesture just pushed me over the edge.

I was aware of myself hysterically laughing in pain, and a few words just spewing out of my mouth. Nothing made sense to me, and my way of dealing with pain seemed to be completely blanking everything that was happening and just painfully laugh about it. Yeah, I think it freaks some people out, I was only just alert enough to notice Brown seeming quite unnerved, yet when this starts, I physically can't stop myself.

Yeah I've been though this before. But not for a loooong time, I can assure you.

"Hey, Brown?" I asked, my voice still quite strained. "Do you happen to know what his deal is?"

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