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Green's PoV:

That's it. Final warning. Get out" I snap. Pink obeys, walking through the wall that separated mine and Lime's, seeming silently outraged.

What? Was he just annoyed because I worked out what he was planning? Did that anger him so much? Sorry, but it's not my fault that he can't bully Lime any more, he doesn't have to take it out on me!

However... he did act a bit weird, muttering something under his breath after he was mean about Lime. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, and he just practically attacked me when I asked!

Because  I 'wouldn't understand' or whatever.

Heh. I don't need that idiot in my life. Can someone else please die, because it's getting extremely tense here! Like, maybe Cyan? She was nice. Ugh, what am I thinking?! I'm seriously wishing death upon my friends now?

It's all Pink's fault. If not for him, I think everyone would have found the mission more enjoyable, nobody actually liked him anyway.

"Knock knock"

"Why are you saying the words rather than actually knocking?" I mutter.

"We can't do that. It makes no sound." Brown replies, walking through the open door.
As I gather you already know, we can't physically open doors - we can't move anything. So, if you haven't mastered going through walls, you're not going to have an easy life. Or, uh, death.

Wait a second... neither of us actually taught Pink how to do it...
Wait wait wait, hang on again... he walked through the wall earlier when I told him to get out... he was... scared of me???  Omg yes this is great :D

"Okay" I sigh, "why are you here? Plus, the door was open anyway, so there was no need to knock. Verbally or physically."

"Uh, well..." she murmured, "not to be nosy, but what happened with you and Pink?"

"He came in. He was an idiot. He left." I shrug. "What more is there to it?"

"Oh, I don't know" Brown said, mimicking my shrugging, "Just the so-called emotionless crewmate crying in the next room. That's all"

Ha, he deserves that... right? Well yeah, of course, why am I having second thoughts? Wait, no no no, I am NOT having second thoughts, why did I even consider that I might be?

"Does he know you saw him?" I ask, trying to hide my satisfaction

"No." She breezily replies, "but I think you should apologise. I don't care what you say, you're most likely both at fault."

Brown leaves the room, but a second later pops her head around the door. "Also, I think he's kinda stuck in there"

Okay... I don't want to be nice to him, I have no intention on doing so, but I guess a fake apology might make Brown think that I tried at least, so that's cool.

"Hey Pink" I say, stepping through the wall and into Lime's room, where he was sat my his daughter's side in tears. What a peculiar sight... but why would he be faking this? Sooo... perhaps... the only explanation is...

Actually, he's probably doing it for attention.

Upon hearing my voice, Pink almost fell over, ghosting through the bed he was sat on. He quickly hid all evidence of his crying, but he was too late.

"So, uh, not emotionless then?" I ask awkwardly

Pink sighs, knowing that he's lost. "I don't see why you'd care" he mutters. 

"Confused. That's all."

"Well" he sighs, considering wether he should give the information or not. "I'm worried for Rose. When I was about her age, I...." Pink then abruptly stopped, turning away from me as his hands flew up to his face, wiping at his eyes angrily.

Okayyy I honestly never thought this was possible... this is really odd.

"Don't worry about it." He mutters.

"Well..." I mumble, wondering what to say next. Instead I just leave. It doesn't matter. Either way, I probably 'wouldn't understand'

Pink's PoV:

Green just left the room. Well, at least he didn't just sit there watching me cry? Ugh, what does it matter anyway? He already saw it once, that's enough for him to gloat about.

I can't believe I almost told him about what happened when I was younger... I've never told ANYONE about it... ever.

Who cares any more? I've been exposed, I do have emotions, I'm weak. There, I've finally admitted it. Do I need to do it out loud?

I really need to get out of this room. It's too small, and I have to walk, it helps me de-stress. If I don't, I might just start up again, and I don't want that.

Just a slight problem... I don't know how to get out of here... the walls have gone solid. How does Green do it? And Brown managed to do it too!

Thinking I was trapped, I began to panic, and subsequently fell through the wall. So, fear is the key, huh?

"Pink" Brown gently asked, "You okay?"

"I just died" oh no, please don't start again...
But it was too late. I resumed my state of hysteria, uncontrollably laughing once more. "Just like my mother died when I was about Rose's age. Yes I'm doing just great... haha... then my father got freaked out because of me, because of what I did.... he didn't stick around too long, and hey, what do you know? I'm an orphan! Nobody ever cared about me then!"

You have no idea how hard I tried to keep my mouth shut, but I just couldn't, the most painful event in my life just spewed out amongst the fits of giggles. "I don't want the same for Rose, but I can't do anything, because I'm dead!"

"Hey......" she nervously murmurs, before yelling "Green! I kinda need your help here!"

"If it's about Pink, tell him to shut up and don't talk to me" comes the reply.

"Get here now. That's an order" Brown yells. Even though she doesn't technically have any power over him, Green reluctantly comes anyway. He pauses as he sees the state I'm in.

"What the heck is up with him?" He
half-shouts to be heard over my laughter, keeping his fear-filled eyes trained on me at all times.

"Nothing... I'm doing... great..." I hear myself claim. Only it isn't me who's speaking.

Brown grabs Green's arm, shaking him. "What did you say to him?!"

"Me?!" Green protests, "So this is my fault now?"

"You broke him!" She snaps

"Oh, is that the scientific term?" he retorts angrily, pulling his arm out of Brown's grip. "Honestly, how can I make myself ANY clearer? I. Do. Not. Care."

The Babysitter: Death Isn't Where It Ends | *paused*Where stories live. Discover now