Time To Reunite

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Pink's PoV:

It was just like one of those action movies, ya know?
No? Maybe? Meh, whatever.

What matters is that it looked cool.

Then I was just falling..... and falling.... intentionally.

I wonder what Aiden's last thoughts were as he fell through the sky? Hopefully he was alright...
Hopefully Peach was coping, too. Don't get me wrong, but I'm not really worried that much about Rose - she's such a strong person, she probably would be angry more that upset.

Eventually I reach the ground. It felt so weird, it should have hurt so badly, but all that happened was I crumpled to the floor in a heap. Beside another heap. An Orange and red heap.

I stood up, dazed and confused. An ambulance was parked up in front of me, a paramedic talking to this frightened elderly couple, another one staring down in disbelief at what was next to me. 

Then I stared down in disbelief at what was next to me.

Aiden... was pretty unrecognisable as a person. Neck and limbs bent at disturbingly unnatural angles, blood splattered everywhere, covering his once orange - now red - suit, his skull had smashed from the impact. Ouch.....

I tore my eyes from the sloppy mess that was on the ground, having to force myself to look away. Honestly, I was urging to puke, however I wasn't sure that was something a ghost could do.

But then, something from across the road caught my eye. Two people stood by a bench, one wearing plain, ordinary clothes, the other wearing an orange spacesuit.

His eyes filled with tears as he raced across the road, crashing straight into me and trapping me in a tight hug. I stumbled backwards a few steps to avoid falling over, I wanted to just shut the world out for a couple of minutes and hug Aiden back, but it proved impossible as my curiosity got the better of me.

"Who's that?" I ask, attempting it casually however my voice sounded like I was suspicious of the other person.

"Rachel..." Aiden murmurs, "she saw me die and we were just talking"

"Okay" I mutter, still staring at 'Rachel'.

"You just jumped? Did it hurt?" He asks, firmly grabbing my shoulders and looking straight into my eyes, and I shift my gaze so I was staring back into his.

"I'm okay" I reassure him, "as long as you are"

"Who killed you?"

"I.... Brown tried to tell me but I was zoned out" I admit, but I don't tell him about my... odd behaviour. Aiden studies my face carefully with a confused expression.
"I was worried" I protest, "worried about you and each of our daughters..."

At that point, my gaze hardened, I could tell my anger was evident in my face because Aiden went all nervous. But my attention was fixated on hatred towards the crew. "I can't believe what they did to you" I declare, sort of growling

"Not all of them..." he softly reminds me, Red defended me..."

"I'm thankful for that..." I sigh, "but it wasn't enough.

Resentment filled me, so much that I didn't know what to do with it. Aiden, on the other hand, seemed to know what to do, and just hugged me again. Stress evaporating, I manage to hug him back this time.

"So" Aiden eventually murmurs, "What now?"

I think before responding. "We could go back to Mira, or if you wanted to stay here with your... friend..."

"Brown and Green will be waiting, right?" He pointed out, glancing back up into the sky. "Would you like me to introduce you to Rachel first?"

"I mean.... sure?" I shrug, unsure of how to respond. Aiden stops hugging me and instead grabs my hand, leading me across the road and towards the stranger on the bench.
"Hi..." I awkwardly muttered. Usually, I was really outgoing... but then again, everything has changed since going on this mission. 

"So, you're the famous 'Pink' then?" She asks with a knowing smile.

"Guess so-" I shrug. Famous?

"Well... I.... we.... HQ..." Aiden began, nervously stuttering to Rachel, who laughed a little.

"Go back to your crew. It's okay" she declared.

"Thank you" he smiled, "good luck finding Anna..."

Wiping a tear from her eye, she replied "I'll try"

By now, sizeable crowd had formed around the dead orange-suited crewmate, two police cars had even arrived at the scene. I felt Aiden tense up as we walked past it, and he clung onto my arm.

"How do we even get up?" He questioned.

"Simple" I smirk, turning around to face him and hovering slightly above the ground. He laughs in surprise, which was quite adorable, and I reach out my hand which he takes gratefully.
"Back to Mira"

"Back to Mira" he repeats, as I fly us back up to the balcony.

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