Girls Night Out

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Between the two of us, both Mary Margery's and I balance the drinks and snack's over to our table.

The loud atmosphere of the rabbit hole made it almost impossible to hear Mary Margaret talk.

"When I said we would go out for drinks I don't mean we should spend the evening getting drunk."

I look down at our tray.

3 shots of tequila each
A cosmopolitan for me
A gimlet for Mary Margaret
And to wash it all down a mimosa for Mary Margaret and a martini for me.

It was clear to see who had the bigger alcohol intake between the two of us.

I just never seem to suffer from a hangover, not like Mary Margaret who I all but had to drag back to her apartment at last years Christmas party.

We get back to our table with little trouble and place our drinks down.

"You do realise one of us has to be sober enough to drive back right?" Mary asks.

"I also think you You forget that you will most likely only take a sip of your mimosa and give the rest of your drinks to me, so really your drinks are my drinks."

I prove me point by leaving Mary her mimosa and sliding her shots and gimlet to my collection.

Mary just shakes her head fondly.

"Remind me again why I choose to go out for drinks with you."

I down all 6 shots of tequila before answering her.

The familiar buzz is starting to kick in and loosening my tongue.

"Because I'm awesome."

I grab my cosmopolitan and take a sip.

"It would seem your have an admirer." Mary Margaret gestures over my shoulder.

I turn around to where she was gesturing.

The young mans name was billy, he was the local mechanic.

We make eye contact and bully blushes, most likely from being caught staring.

I raise my glass in a cheers motion, he lifts his beer bottle.

I look him up and down not a bad looking gent and if it were any other night I would be happy to spend the evening with him, but I was here with Mary Margaret and as the saying goes, sisters before misters.

"He's cute." Mary remarks with siping her drink.

"Well I hear he's single if that's what you are after, would you like me to introduce you."I jest back.

"Oh no he's not my type." Mary expresses with a smile.

"Oh you have a type do you, anyone I'd know?" I gently prod her for answers.

For as long as I've known Mary Margaret I don't think I've even seen her go on a date or even have any type of relationship, I'm not even sure if she's ever been intimate with anyone.


I tilt me head, my face scrunched you in confusion.


"I want someone who can brighten your day with just their smile alone, someone who will always make you feel like in the only woman in the world, someone who's compassionate but also can take the lead, someone who can make time stand still when you are together." Mary Margaret finishes with a wistfulness I've never seen before.

Wow, powerful.

"Heck if the teacher gig doesn't work out, you should consider going into writing."

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