What just happend

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I look at all the different flavours of ice cream.

Vanilla,raspberry,blueberry,mint,cookie dough, caramel and much more.

"What will it be hallie?" Sarah asked from behind the counter.

"I'll take a peanut butter sundae with mint chocolate ice cream, please Sarah."

Sarah nods her head, her blue eyes sparkle.

"I'll get it ready for you."

So what if I'm on first name bases with the owner of the ice cream parlour.

Any given sundae Is my go to ice cream parlour it even beats out granny's diner, though I would dare tell that to granny.

I am quick to find a table and sit myself down.

With nearly 4 weeks to go Christmas was fast approaching and that meant making sure I had everything together.

Thanksgiving this year had been at granny's.

Granny and Ruby put together a massive feast and sold tickets.

It was a place for all those single and without family's to pretend for at least a day that they have someone.

This year Emma had joined us which was a nice change.

However there was one person who didn't show, perhaps he was spending it with family, maybe he has family outside of storybrooke.

Looking down at my phone I run through my checklist.

So far I had brought most of my friends presents.

I was able to find Mary Margaret a beautiful red coat that I think she would like, along with a soft woollen scarf.

As for Ruby I brought her a brand new pair of shoes, perhaps not as ankle breaking as she was used to, but these boots were quite pretty they were timberland boots with a slight heel and sheep's wool around the edges.

Ashley I had given her a simple yet pretty blouse that was dark blue and had a floral patter stitched on. Apparently she and Sean had made up and were now raising baby Alexandra together.

Emma I had brought her a very nice bottle of bourbon, Emma wasn't much of a sentimental person so a bottle of alcohol was a safe bet.

I still had to find something for Mr gold.

Working for mr gold wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, all he really had me Do was collect the rent from people and other little odd jobs, also as a plus he did let me skip this months rent as a good will gesture, so it was only right that I Buy him a gift, but I just couldn't think on what to get him.

The jungle of the doorbell diverts my attention.

To my surprise Emma walks into the shop.

We exchange brief smiles before Emma walks over to Sarah.

"Still open? I need a couple of pints for my son he loves this place..."

Emma stops.

Curious I turn to see what's happening.

I most of turned to fast or something because the moment I set my eyes on the two I'm hit with vertigo.

Gathering my bearings I looks at the pair.

Sarah is holding Emma who look disoriented.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked Emma.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

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