Chapter 4- Miwa?

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Kageyama couldn't feel anything anymore. 

It hurt so much that pain overloaded his senses. He could barely stay conscious. I've got to get bandages... School is tomorrow... volleyball is tomorrow... 

His hand found the wall, and he tried to stand, putting both feet under him and pushing up with his hand. He immediately collapsed. his arm and leg were broken, and everywhere else was cut or bruised. His head hit the ground, and he began to lose focus. 

His vision was already blurry with blood, and now black spots were threatening to engulf him. He fought to keep them out.

Maybe I should give up... I need sleep... I'm tired... He knew that if he fell asleep, he would die of blood loss, but that seemed like a minor concern in his state.

He gave into temptation, letting the blackness swallow him.


He woke up in a bright and simple room. He recognized the room as his sisters', Miwa. He tried sitting up, bringing back the black spots. He looked down at himself; He had no clothes on, showing every injury he had gotten while in the basement.

"Hey! Hey, Tobio, NO! Lay back down!" 

" Miwa..?"

"Yes!" His sister appeared from the door, carrying the First Aid Kit. She sported a nasty cut along her forehead, but she didn't seem to care about that.

"M-Miwa! What happened to you?!" His sister looked absolutely furious. 

"What happened to me?! Can you even see yourself right now?! Father just gave that," She gestured to the cut, "to me when I asked to call an ambulance, so SHUT UP AND LAY BACK DOWN!"

Kageyama sighed and leaned back. "Alright, alright." She looked a little less worried. At least he was obeying her. 

"Now close your eyes, it'll hurt more if you're awake."

I know, I got these awake, and we go through this every week. He thought. But he closed his eyes anyway. Soon he was asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Miwa POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ok, ok, it's not like I haven't dealt with these before. Miwa Kageyama thought, trying to calm herself.

It looked like there were broken bones. She winced in sympathy. 

Why broken bones again...and a rib too...

She was a Major in Medicine, only being one because she needed to use these skills for her brother. Her younger brother, Tobio Kageyama. The light of her life. 

Who almost dies every week.

Cuts, bruises, internal bleeding, sometimes secret trips to the hospital when their father was asleep. Miwa was working multiple jobs to keep Tobio and herself alive; she had to pay for hospital bills, food, education, and clothes. Their father would never care about them.

inwardly seething about their father, She began wrapping her brother's broken bones and his cuts. She tried her best with what she had, treating each injury carefully. Soon her brother was wrapped up. This was the best she could give him right now, she only wished she could convince him to stay home tomorrow, but he insisted that he attend every day, determined to make sure his sister's money goes to a good cause. His grades weren't the best, but Miwa loved him for trying.

It would be hard for him to even get to school, Miwa thought. I just hope that's enough reason for him not to go... With thoughts about her brother swirling in her head, she drifted off to sleep, next to Tobio.

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