Chapter 14 - Unexpected Encounter.

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~~~~~~~~~Kageyama Tobio POV~~~~~~~~~~~

He had been waiting in line for a while now. He was getting bored.

Suddenly he heard a commotion near him. 

He looked up and saw what seemed to be a dirty, drunk grown man, holding a beer can, staggering in his direction.

Aww fuck... 

The man came up to his lineup.

Wait. Oh, fuck no.

The man was talking to some of the young women in his lineup, even some of the young men. He was moving down the line. Towards Tobio.

Fuck. Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!

The man was talking to the person in front of him now, a pretty young girl. Kageyama could make out anything he was saying. The girl was about his age, and she looked terrified. The adult seemed to be moving closer to her, looking her up and down. Smiling like he was planning to do unspeakable things to her.

Suddenly he moved away, much to them relief of the young girl.

He approached Tobio.

Tobio's heart was racing. 

He looked at him.

He was filled with indescribable terror, thoughts racing through his mind so fast he couldn't process them. One thing kept popping up though.

What do I do? What am I going to do?!

The man smiled.

Tobio was backed against the wall now.

He was so close. Suddenly he started saying things.

They were so close and Tobio still couldn't make out a word.

Tobio looked at the ground and shut his eyes.

"Stop,  stop, please stop..." He whispered.

"Your a cutie, aren't you?"

Kageyama looked up in disbelief. 

He had no doubt that the man had said that.

He couldn't do anything. This guy was twice his size, probably triple his weight.

"I'm pretty sure he said stop. Leave him alone."

Tobio looked to the source of the voice. It was the man in line behind him. He was hugging his daughter and looked furiously at drunk man.

The drunk uttered a few inaudible words, and after a few back-and-forths with the man, his friend pulled him away.

Tobio felt like he was going to cry. He had been saved. He didn't even have the energy to thank the dad. He felt like every particle of energy had been used to prevent himself from screaming. He pretended like everything was normal, even thought his hands were still shaking. He bought his volleyball as normal as possible, and pretended to enjoy the rest of the day with Miwa. He didn't want to spoil his sisters great mood. 

And so they headed back to the apartment, Not realising what was in store for them.

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