Chapter 7-Practice

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kageyama Tobio POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At least she won't worry. Kageyama thought as he limped away from the car, waving back at his sister while smiling. 

She had insisted on fixing his toque, putting his lunch in his bag, and giving him a band-aid across his nose to cover the minor cut there before letting him go. It was slightly exasperating.

He limped quickly through the school grounds, navigating away, as he had done many times before. It was painful to be applying any pressure on that leg, but getting to practice was a priority. 

He was going through the corridors when suddenly, he felt A sharp pain around his waist and his side being slammed into the opposite wall. He screamed. Everything hurt like hell. His broken leg was still broken, obviously, and crashing into a wall didn't help in the slightest.

"Ack-" He felt hands grip the front of his shirt.

"Oi, Oi, it's the young shitbag!" 

Kageyama desperately gasped for air, as his broken leg was throbbing and he felt blood run down his chin.

"Are you sure?" A younger boy came up behind him.

"Shush, Tsurai-kun, be polite, I'd hate for him to get bored of us~" A second-year purred. Kageyama looked up. Tsurai? Janato Tsurai? But he's a first-year! Like me! He's in my class!

"T-tsura-i s-san?" Kageyama coughed harshly, blood seeping through his bandages as his vision got blurry with pain. 

Turai looked surprised when he realized who it was. 

"Kageyama-san? What are you doing with that band-aid, we thought you were someone else!" Tsurai extended a hand out towards him.

If I don't take his hand, he'll know something is up, but my arm hurts so much...

Kageyama grasped his hand and almost cried out again as he was pulled onto his feet. Tsurai turned back to his gang. 

"Guys, wrong person! Don't attack the first person you see that has black hair and a limp!"

The rest nodded in assent, The second-year who tackled him apologizing before all of them rushing off again.

"They listen to you?" Kageyama marveled. "But a couple are older than you!" 

Tsurai bent down and dusted off Tobio's toque, which flew off in the commotion. 

"Don't take it for granted, I had to earn their trust. And sorry for the surprise, we're looking for somebody who scammed me out of a meat bun payment a couple of minutes ago. Ran off with my money." He grumbled, handing his toque back. 

"O-oh. Well, good luck." Kageyama waved to Tsurai, who waved back before sprinting off. 

Kageyama let out a breath. He was still in huge pain. I can't miss morning practice though... So he stumbled his way to the gym, pushing the door open and nearly falling flat on his face. He tried his best to hide his injuries as he made his way across the gym to put on his shoes. Both the coach and the players, however, were not fully fooled. 

"Ne, Kageyama!" Kindaichi came up beside the setter. "Why are you moving weirdly?" 

"Oh. I stubbed my toe the other day, I'll be fine."

Kindaichi gave him a look. "If your lying, I'm gonna kill you." Before spriting away to Kunimi.

Kageyama dropped off his stuff before he went to join the others. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kindaichi POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kageyama started setting for Kindaichi, but his sets were a bit off, even Kindaichi could see it. 

"Uh, Kageyama, are you ok?" Kindaichi had to ask him. The boy had landed awkwardly, on one leg before the other, but it looked like he was holding back waves of pain.

"Uh-yeah, yeah, fine." The words came out brittle, and Kageyama was clutching his midsection.

"Let's keep going," the setter quickly added. They did a couple more sets before something happened.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kageyama POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kageyama jumped up to set a volleyball for Kindaichi, but when he looked down, his eyes widened. A volleyball had rolled away from the basket and stopped right where Kageyama would land. 

Time seemed to slow down.

He wanted to move his leg but couldn't. It seemed impossible to move. He was stuck.

And unable to change what would happen next.

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