Chapter 9- Hospital.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kageyama Tobio POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Tobio sat in bed. He kept thinking about what his senpai said.

'"You're talented Tobio. But don't forget, I am too. And me and Iwa will find out what happened to you."

But they can't! If they find out, Father will kill me! What do I do?! Oikawa is no novice, he'd be able to pick up everything!!! Any clue, any trail I left behind now that he is suspious! Gah! Calm down Tobio. Just-


It was the nurse.

She came into the room with a smile, and Tobio quickly put up his blank-face facade. She set down her supplies and started talking about his broken bones, what they were going to do, how long it would take, but Kageyama quickly tuned her out. He already knew from Miwa,  and he didn't need to hear them again. He kept thinking about how to stop his upperclassmen from figuring out his secret. 

"And we will have to send you to the hospital," She concluded.

"Please, put my sister's name on the bill." He didn't enjoy the fact that this was coming out of his sister's money, but better than their father paying and hitting them afterward.

"Of course." She nodded and smiled again. "But first we must clean your bandages. That'll make the hospital's job easier."

She took out a roll of bandages and began to change the old ones. Once she was done, She put the bandages away and got Tobio some crutches. 

"You'll need to use these to walk," She explained, taking a half-hour to teach Kageyama how to walk in them. Once he got the hang of it, she let him off through the hallways to his sister's car, but not before giving him a bag of ice.

Ice. It's like they expect broken bones and cuts to heal with ice. Tobio thought.

He wobbled through the hallways, tripping up a bit a couple of times, but still managing. He turned a corner, only to nearly topple into his sister. 

"TOBIO!  THANK GOD I WAS WATCHING THAT PRACTICE, YOU'VE GOT TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!" Miwa kept ranting about Kageyama getting hurt, being stupid enough to come to school while helping him down the rest of the corridors. They made it to the car, which already had his stuff in it, and made their way to the hospital, Miwa still continuing her 'IwassoworriedTobiodon'tdoanythingthatstupidagain' rant, Kageyama smiling slightly at his sister. They made it to the hospital, Tobio getting a cast for his leg and his cuts disinfected. The hospital said he had to stay at home for two weeks, not engage in physical activity for four weeks, and make sure to get plenty of sleep and rest. The raven-haired setter argued, but his sister's glare silenced him. The checkup was complete, but the cause, to the doctors, was still unknown. Miwa quickly covered it up by saying he had fallen from a tall tree. The doctors bought it.

Now the only problem for the siblings was what to do when they got home.

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