Chapter 6- Don't worry, I Know.

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 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kageyama Tobio POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tobio looked out the car window, clutching his sandwich. This morning was nice, a warm buttery light shining through the cracks between the leaves, casting nice designs through the sunroof. The cherry blossom trees on each side of the road were in full bloom, losing petals as the breeze blew by. Tobio looked up as robins flew over them, following the breeze. His toque almost slid off his head, so he put it to the side of the seat with his backpack for the meanwhile. His sister smiled back at him.

"Are you enjoying the car ride?" She asked. She was holding back laughter, Tobio knew it.

Even so, he still answered.

"Yeah. So what?" He pouted. Miwa laughed.

"No, no, it's fine Tobi, it's just that I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself!"

Tobio dipped his head. He knew the meaning behind that light, playful statement.

"You mean since Grampa died and Father started beating me when he got drunk."

The mood in the car dimmed. Kageyama never did have a filter.

"W-well, yes, but... Tobio, you mustn't feel bad about yourself, you mustn't believe that you aren't important!" Miwa must've been speaking from experience. But Tobio didn't understand why that was a worry of hers.

"I don't feel bad about myself! If I leave, who will make you happy? Who will cheer you up? Who will set for Kiitagawa Daiichi?" He asks, genuinely confused. Miwa gave herself a relieved smile. Her brother was as clueless as ever.

"Your right, of course! I was just teasing you!" 

But Tobio could sense that there was more to it than she let on. He started to fiddle with his bandages. 

But I would hate to ruin this morning even more...

"Hunmp! Meanie!" Tobio crossed his arms in the backseat, careful to avoid the bandaged parts. No use to hurt myself like that. He thought. He may not have a clue when it comes to social cues, but he was a great liar. 

Miwa smiled. "Hey, you. You remember your first time receiving?"

"Yes. I was two and three-quarters years old, you were 9, it was March on a Tuesday afternoon, at around 6:30 pm," He recited immediately. "We wanted to play in the backyard, and..." Tobio trailed off. 

"Don't tell me you forgot Tobi..." Miwa said sadly.

He quickly regained his posture. 

"O-of course not. G-grandpa had come too, with a volleyball." Tobio smiled softly at the memory. 

"I asked what it was, and he laughed at me. It is a volleyball. He'd said. Do you want to know what it's for? He'd asked. I said yes. He taught me what volleyball was. What the rules were." 

He laughed slightly. "You said it was too much for a two-year-old to memorize. He simply replied that I wasn't a regular two-year-old. So he taught me the positions. I wanted to start with receiving first, so he showed the position and tossed the ball to me. I had my arms held incorrectly, so instead of sending it back to him, I sent it into my face." 

He laughed. "You guys laughed at me. M-mom came out, just to see what we were doing, and also laughed. W-we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to play volleyball."

Tobio stopped. He was trying his hardest not to cry. Miwa was crying.

They sat in silence for a while. 

"T-that's right." Miwa choked out, still crying. "That's exactly right. That's also what got you into volleyball. Grandpa and Mother would be so proud of you Tobio." Miwa gave him a sad smile.

Her brother returned it. "They would be proud of you too, Miwa."

Miwa laughed, and they rode the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

When they got to Kitagawa Daiichi, Tobio grabbed his toque, his backpack, and food, and opened the car door. As he got out he heard;

"Hold your head up Tobi. We are a strong family."

He nodded and waved back to her. 

"Don't worry, I know."

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