Chapter 17 - Savior.

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*Back to the day at hand*

Tobio peered out of the window, out of sheer curiosity.

Down on the street, there was no collision, just a blue Jeep parked outside of his house.

Tobio squinted.

Miwa was frantically waving to him from the window of the car.

His phone then vibrated with texts.



Im here to pick u up, no discussions

grab ur things


"What?" Kageyama said out loud. "What the hell."

Despite the feeling that his brain was moving too slow, and he was scared he was going to get caught, he got up and started to shove things into his gym bag. Clothes, volleyball, everything he both needed and wanted. He didn't have much, and, as an afterthought, grabbed his school textbooks. They were expensive anyway.

He took a breath, then pulled the door open and sprinted down the stairs. As he rounded the corner of the railings, he ran past his drunken father, trying to ignore his yells to come back. throwing the door open, he heard thumps behind him.

He's chasing me. He realized. Adrenaline rushed through his head. now, it was basically life or death. He threw himself out the door, stumbling slightly as he rushed through to the car, slamming against it in the rush to get inside. After a slight amount of fumbling, he pushed himself into the car, scrambling around to pull the door shut. His father punched the glass and tried to again, but Miwa slammed on the gas and they pulled away. Breathing a shaky sight of relief, Tobio turned to Miwa in the driver's seat. She was older now, But the steely glint in her eye melted when she saw him. 

"I'm glad you made it Tobi. Let's blow this hellhole."

Tobio huffed a laugh.

"Alright. I'm glad to see you, Miwa."

She smiled back at him.

"Next time you sacrifice yourself like a hero and I have to come to save your ass again, give me a warning so I can smack-"


A large crash was the last thing he heard before everything went black.

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