Teenage Getaway

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"Come on you have to go, it's gonna be so much fun!" says your best friend Jessica over the phone. "I don't know Jess, i don't know anyone there." you say. "So what? I'll be there!" she saya and you could tell she won't stop until you say yes. "Alright." you say and sighn. "Oh my god, yes! I love you! Bye i'll pick you up at 9." she says and before you could reply she hung up.

You put the phone on the table and plugged the charger in. You took a shirt amd some underwear. You walked into the bathroom and washed your hair. After blow dryed them and straightes like yoh always did, you put on a oversized black sweater that said Bliss in black leather and your black skinny jeans that were ripped on the knees.

Just like the quote you loved said: people who can't handle all black outfits are weak.

By the tims you were ready the time was already 20:56 so you put on your black boots, put your phone in your back pocket and headed outside giving your mom a kiss on the forehead.

Jessica was already waiting in her car infront of your house. Jess spended her days studying and sucking up her parents butt so she could go out at night smoke weed and get drunk while she made out with a random dude. Buy you? You studied a day before the teat rearly drink and never smoked in your life. She kept everything a secret from her parents as you told your mom everything. Yiu were different but sometimes the opposite attracts each other. She was a good person to you and you loved her.

"Hey, babe." she said opening the door of her old car for me. "Hey." i say back and close the door behinde me. She drove down the street and took a smoke out of her pocket. "Want one?" she said. "Seriously?" I say rolling my eyes. "Just asking girl." she said lighting it up.

We parked the car not far away from the beach and a couple of people where already there. You two walked up to them and Jess hugged 4 guys and a girl. "Okay, everyone thia is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Luke, Michael, Lauren, Calum and Ashton." she said pointing at everyone of them. "Hi." said the dark haired boy who you remembered as Calum. "Hi." you said and smiled at him. Oh boy oh boy was he hot. He looked like heaven. And thag smile, don't even get me started on the fucking smile, let's just say he made you melt inside.

You sat down next to him he offered a beed. You gladly acceptes since you didn't drink as much and it was nice to once in a while. "So, are you good friends with Jessica?" he asked. Best friends actually. She's like the sister i never had." you say and take a sip of beer. "Your a only child?" he asks taking a sip of his own. "No but my sister lives with my dad in California, so i never see her anymore." you say. "Ow, i'm sorry." he said. "Don't be, so what about you?" you say. "What about me?" he asks. "Are you a only child?" you ask. "No, actaully i have an older sister her name is Malia." he says and smiles. "I was wondering who was the girl tattooed in your arm." you smile and giggle a little bit. "Yeah, she's my beatfriend and i love her." he says swirling his fingers around the beer. "Yeah, familiy is everything." you say and smile. "And you? Do you have any tattoos?" he asked as his eyes studied your body. "I do. I have one on my ribs." you say pointing at it over your closhe. "What is it?" he asks. "It's an arrow." you say. He laughts. "What?" you ask. "Nothing it's just thats the most common tattoo ever." he says and laughts while you take a sip of beer. "Fuck you, it's not about how it looks or what it is, it's about the meaning behinde it." you say and giggle. "And what's the meaning?" he days pushing you playfully. "The arrow represents life. To shot an arrow you have to pull it back and taht's what life does to us. It pulls us back but when it's the right time it unleshes us and we get shot from sadness to happiness." you say shotting a invisable arrow. "I never thought of it that way." he says. "Okay now you, mr. most common tattoos." you say and playfully push him back. "What meaning have those x and i?" you ask. "That's a date you dumb ass." he says laughing. "I know it is you loser but which is it?" you ask him laughing back. "It's the date 2012." he says. You look at him as he didn't tell you anything. "It's the date my band started, actually our band he says pointing at the other guys sitting around the fire. "Cool, what do you do in the band?" you ask. "I play the bas and sing." he says. "The base oww.." you say acting disapointed. "Waaaaw!" he says suprised at your reaction. "I'm kiding. So, what inspired you to play it?" you say giggleing and punching him plaufully. "I don't know, i just picked it up and i fell in love with it." he says smiling. "What about getting late and stuff like that?" you laugh. "Ha-ha" he laughts sarcastcly. "No seriously, don't you have a girlfriend?" you ask. "No." he says. "Wow, i would expect a guy like you to have one." you say and imiditly regret it. "What am i like?"he says looking at you. "Um, i mean your in a band." you say but you know he knows your lying. "Really that's all?" he says coming closer to your face. 'Um yeah." you say and he moves even closer. "Your a terrible liar, you know that right?" he says inches away from your lips. He was about to kiss you when he heard a cougf and moved away. "Wanna go somewhere private?" he says running his fingers over your lips. "I'd like that." you say and he stood up reaching for your hand.

You didn't even know if anyone noticed you two leaving but you didn't care.

PART 2?? :) X

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