chapter twenty four: blame and mourning

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Thomas was sitting in a small hut, it didn't belong to anyone so he went in there from time to time. He put on a brave face for the others, pretended like he was okay with everything that had happened and everyone that they had lost. He lost his sister and the girl that he cared about. Even though he didn't remember anything about Y/n before the maze, he still cared for her like a sister. None of the Gladers could accept that she was gone, most of them were in denial. Gally had accepted it, although he still felt like he was partially to blame for her death. Most people did. Brenda and Minho thought they could've ran faster, Gally thought that he should've taken spare serum, Newt because he got the serum.

Newt constantly blamed himself, it had been a week since her death. They didn't know that she had been passed out for a week in an abandoned building, completely alive. He always thought it was his fault, that she should've gotten the serum. He would reread the letter very often, many tears were shed everytime. Nobody else knew about the letter apart from Tommy, he didn't want to make a large deal out of it. It was the only reminder of the girl, the only visible one. The rest were just memories, just pictures in his mind. Every time the boy closed his eyes he saw the girls' lifeless body in his arms. Her calm face covered in black blood and tears, yet she still looked at peace. He couldn't get those horrible images out of his mind, the last moments of the girls' life.

Chuck was also sad, he tried to cover it up. Him and Y/n had a nice relationship and they talked very often, he remembered that one time in the Glade when he had a nightmare the girl comforted him for the rest of the night. He thought of the happy things they had experienced together in the short month they had together. He would constantly hum to the little song they would sing together in the Glade, quietly. All of the Gladers had their own little things that they had done with the girl, whether they did it often or just once. It all mattered.

Minho sat with the group, it was easier to keep control of his emotions if he was around other people. Newt was different, he sat alone all day. Didn't talk to anyone but Thomas from time to time. People wouldn't even try to talk to him, they knew he didn't want them to talk to him so they left him alone. None of them were as close with Y/n as he was and they all knew that. They all mourned in their own way, some of them had already accepted it. Jorge and Brenda didn't know them very well, but they were still upset when she died. The mood of the group completely changed when she passed, not as many smiles, not as many laughs.

Newt sat either in a hut, like Thomas or by the sea on the beach. Nobody bothered him, which he preferred so that he could mourn alone. He didn't like showing his emotions to other people. If anyone came over to him, he would hide his emotions. Act as if he was perfectly fine, everyone knew he wasn't. Thomas went over to him one time and left hours later, Tommy was the only person he actually wanted to talk to. Those two had the closest connection to the girl, they both missed her much more than the rest. The blonde boy always thought about her, thought about the memories they had made in the Glade. How much their relationship had grown across the short year and a bit that they knew eachother.

Minho was worried about him, he hadn't been himself for the past week. Did you really expect him to? Minho went to talk to him and the blonde boy didn't say a word. Just looked into the abyss of the ground he had been staring at for the past twenty minutes. Newt didn't get much sleep either, he was never seen in the sleeping section of the Safe Haven. He would just sit and think, he didn't go to get food. Thomas had to bring it over to him otherwise he wouldn't have ate. Chuck went over to talk to him once and he talked, which surprised everyone. The small curly haired boy talked to Newt for about five minutes then left him alone. They knew he wanted to be alone, so they respected it.

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book three.Where stories live. Discover now