Chapter 11

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Gon carefully watched Hisoka's every move. 

"Well, Come on out," Hisoka says moving from his spot. "I know you're there."

'He noticed me?' Gon thought.

"if you won't come out, I'll come to you," Hisoka says walking toward Gon's direction.

'I guess that's it...'Gon thought 'In that case, it's all or nothing.'

Suddenly a man popped out of the bushes

'Eh, when did he arrive?' Gon questioned.

"I challenge you to a duel." The man said. 

"You'll die," Hisoka says. 

'This is my chance!' Gon thought.

'My chance is about to come...' Gon thought 'In the moment Hisoka goes to finish off his prey!' 

But as the man was striking Hisoka just kept dodging.

'Why?' Gon questioned. 'Why isn't Hisoka fighting back?' 

"Hisoka, explain yourself..." The man asked." Why won't you attack me?"

"If I continue to avoid your attack, you'll eventually," Hisoka answered. "I can tell from the swarm of Hemotropic Butterflies that your wounds are grave. Someone else has already dealt you a fatal blow, yes? Though I do understand your desire to die in battle." 

"If you..." The man said exhaustedly. "If you understand so well, why do you still refuse to fight me?!" 

"I have no interest in the dead." Hisoka answers. 

"What?" The man asks."I'm not yet..." 

"You're already dead." Hisoka interrupts. "It's in your eyes. Bye-Bye"

"Sorry about that." A voice from the bushes says. "I carelessly let him escape."

"Lair," Hisoka says. "He probably begged you to grant him one final wish, yes?"

"Well, I felt sorry for the guy. Given that he was dead either way." 301 said.

"You should cease pitying enemies who serve no purpose," Hisoka said. 

"You've done it before, haven't you?" 301 replied. "You've walked away from opponents before finishing them." 

"I have standards," Hisoka replied. "I'm not interested in people who have no purpose. I only spare those whose deaths would go to waste. What about his tag?"

"Oh, I already took it. I have six points now, so I don't need this one." 301 replied tossing a tag to Hisoka. " You can have it." 

Hisoka looks at the number and it's 198. 

"Whose tag is this?" Hisoka asked.

"It was originally tag number 80. That belonged to some guy who tried to snipe me. He ticked me off, so I killed him. But that boy I see you hanging around came to me: offering a deal. The tag was his target so he wanted to exchange it for the 198's tag he had. It didn't matter, since both were only on point to me, I took the deal after we dueled a bit." 301 replied 

"Ahh~ my little thief," Hisoka said. "He is quite clever isn't he." 

"I don't see it. He didn't have any real power. Mostly just dodged my attacks." 301 said.

Flashback (301 POV)

'There is someone watching me. I better get rid of him.' I thought. 

I killed the guy and then took his badge, which was #80. Well, I am done. I decided to see Hisoka and give him this extra badge. But soon I noticed another presence. A bit more skilled than the last guy.

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