Chapter 8

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"All right!!" A voice exclaimed. "I'm the first one to finish. What the..!!"

"Hanzo, Applicant 294, 12 hours and 3 minutes." The announcer said into the mic.

"Ohh!! I don't believe it! I came in fourth place." Hanzo said.

"Sorry dude." (M/N) exclaimed. He then moved to where Hanzo was and said "Hey, so what are you doing here? Like why are you taking the hunter exam?"

"Keep this to yourself, but I am a ninja. " Hanzo whispered. 

(M/n) sweatdropped. 'Welp this is gonna take a long time. Great way to kill time I guess.'

"I seek the legendary scroll. Shhh. It's my secret mission to track down the ultimate ninja scroll. That's why I'm becoming a hunter. Rumor has it that's it's hidden somewhere that's inaccessible to ordinary people. " Hanzo whispered.

"Cool cool. Well good luck with your quest." (M/N) whispered back.

And with that, a friendship blossomed. 

-----------------------------------------Time skip cause of Hanzos chatty ass--------------------------------------

"I.." Number 293 exclaimed before dropping dead on the floor. 

"He's dead." Number 198 exclaimed. 

"Damn, what a moron. " Number 199 said. "It's better to survive and try again next year than to pass and die tryin'. " 

"One minute remains. "The announcer exclaimed. 

"That's it, Then looks like it's just the 20 of us that are already here." Number 198 said.

"Hmm, (M/N) aren't you afraid your little friends aren't going to pass. " Hisoka asked.

"Nope, I have full faith in them. Probably gonna make a grand entrance or something like that." (M/N) replied eyes still closed. 

Right after (M/N) said that a stone door began to open. 

"Huh?" Number 199 exclaimed. 

"Kurapika, Number 404, is the 21st to pass. Killua, Number 99, is the 22nd to pass. Gon, Number 405, is the 23rd to pass.  Time elapsed, 71 hours and 59 minutes." The announcer announced.

"Ohh!! Hey (M/N)!!" Gon exclaimed while waving at (M/N). 

"Sup took you long enough. I've been waiting here for hours." (M/N) said while walking toward the three. "You look like a mess what happened." 

"Well..." Gon said before being interrupted by Killua. 

"Boy, my butt hurts!" Killua announced. "I certainly wasn't expecting the short and easy path to be a slide."

"Thirty seconds remaining." The announcer exclaimed. 

"Even with that big slide, that was really close. " Gon said.

"My hands are covered in blisters." Kurapika said while chuckling.

"Same here!" Leorio shouts. While he and Tonpa struggling with each other to get through.

"Leorio, Number 403, is the 24th to pass. Tonpa, Number 16, is the 25th to pass. Time elapsed, 71 hours and 59 minutes." The announcer announced. 

"My hands are wrecked, but all five of us cleared the tower, didn't we?" Leorio said.

"Cool, let me guess it was thanks to gon right?" (M/N) said while chuckling. 

"Yeh, what about it?" Leorio said while glaring at (M/N).

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