Chapter 6

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'Wow that was so much cooler in person.' (M/n) thought while on the airship to split mountain.

"This is it." Menchi exclaimed. "Take a look at what's down there."

"W-What is that?" An applicant asked.

"Looks cool!"(M/n) shouted out.

"Seriously?!" Killua replied.

"What?"(M/n) questioned.

"Nothing, nevermind." Killua replied looking the other way

"Anyway, Its a spider eagle's web." Menchi exclaimed.

"They build their webs all the way down there?" Gon asked.

"Look past the web to what's underneath." Menchi instructed.

"Hey, those are.." Gon replied hesitantly.

"Those are spider eagle eggs." Menchi replied.

"Spider eagles build their webs in deep ravines like this one. It helps protect their eggs from predators. Thats what makes spider eagle eggs one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain. Also the eggs are commonly known as 'Dream Eggs'" Netero explained.

"Hey wait a minute! Do you mean--" Todo exclaimed

"You bet I do." Menchi said excitedly. With that she downed down into the ravine.

"Even if she grabs a few eggs, how is she gonna climb back up?" Leorio asked.

"Oh just watch this is gonna be so much fun" (M/n) replied.

"Hey! She jumped down! Is she trying to get herself killed?" Leorio exclaimed.

"No, She's not" Kurapika answered.

"Just watch Leorio She is a pro at this. Its her job. She knows what she is doing." (M/n) said.

A few seconds later

"Oh that looks so fun" Killua exclaimed after Menchi came back up with the help of a strong wind gust.

"This ravine has updrafts that are crucial to the spider eagles. Once they hatch the wind currents help guide their newborn chicks as they fly up to safety." Netero explained.

"There. Now I just need to boil it, and I'll be set." Menchi exclaimed.

" Y-You gotta be kidding you mean you really expect us to jump down there? That's crazy!" Todo said in fear.

"I've been waiting for something like this!" Gon interrupt in excitement. With that the five of them all jumped down. As everyone else followed behind.

"Wait! I still haven't finished explaining everything!" Menchi warned.

"What are we waiting for?" Leorio said 

"Hold on don't let go yet?" Gon replied.

"Why? What's wrong?" Leorio questioned. 

"No wind." (M/n) and Killua replied

"The updrafts don't happen all the time." Kurapika answered.

"When do you think the next one comes along." Leorio questioned.

"Any minute now." Gon replied as he sniffs the air.

"Oh, Crap! What the? " Leorio says as the web is breaking.

"It appears the web isn't strong enough to support all this weight. " Kurapika said.

"Gon, Can we go yet?" Killua questioned.

"Yeah, my arms are getting tried." (M/N) complained. 

"Why are you complaining at a time like this! Its about to snap! " Leorio yelled while wiggling around.

"Keep moving old man and the web is gonna break even faster." (M/N) argued 

"Okay, Now!" Gon replied. With that everyone released the web each taking an egg with them as they fell.

"What about you guys?" Menchi asked the remaining applicants. "I'm guessing you quit?"

"Conceding takes courage, too." Netero replied.

"Omg this is so goood!" (M/N) said in excitement as he ate the egg.

"I can see why they're called dream eggs." Kurapika replied. 

(M/N) watched from a distance as Gon shares his egg with Todo. Also watching as Menchi explains what it means to be a gourmet hunter. After he finished he got back onto the airship to go to the third phase.

"I will now take the opportunity to to introduce myself properly to the remaining 42 applicants." Netero announced. "I am Netero the Chairman of the selection committee for this year's hunter exam.  It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"And I'm his secretary, Beans." The small bean said.

"I had originally planned to make my appearance during the the exams final phase, but, well, seeing as how I am already here... I have to admit there's nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air so I think I'll stick around for the remainder of the trip." Netero laughed. 

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8:00 am exactly." Beans instructed. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dinning hall. You're also welcomed to get some rest, of course. You're free to do whatever you please until we contact you. The evening is yours." 

"Hey, Come on, Gon, (M/N). Lets go and explore the airship." Killua suggested.

"Yeah." Gon laughed.

"Nah, Imma check out what's for dinner. God I hope they have ramen." (M/N) replied 

"What's ramen?" Gon, Killua,  and Leorio asked.

"The most epic food ever." (M/N) replied.

"Like you cooking? Cause that was really good." Gon said.

"Better." (M/N) replied. "Anyway bye." With that (M/N) went to find ramen. 

Time Skip

"Welp no ramen in sight. I mean would won't have ramen. God there was so much meat I could vomit. But I don't blame them. After all they are dealing with mostly muscle heads and of course those people all they eat is meat." (M/N) told himself grumbling along the way. He had to find a place to sleep and of course the anime never showed where Kurapika and Leorio slept so he had to just pray he didn't go into the room that Hisoka was in. So he opened the third door of the first corridor To find Hisoka building a his card stack. 'Just my luck god dammit' (M/N) thought shutting the door as quickly as possible and unknowingly caught the jokers attention.(Because he knocked the card tower over when he shut the door.)

Authors note:

Its shorter than usual because I am putting the third phase on the next chapter. However I do have a problem I wish for you, readers, to help me with. Who should I put (M/N) with in the third phase. I can't decide. So the first three of the same answer wins. Please help thank you.


You author. 

Hunter X Hunter X Male ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora