Chapter 3

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"Really?" Gon said. "Mito is the one who raised me and she told me a little but I've only ever seen him in pictures she showed me a long time ago. "

"Wait so who's Mito?" Killua asked.

" She's my aunt. " Gon replied. "She said that my dad took the hunters exam when he was only 12 years old too. He passed his first tryin and became a hunter. That's when he decided to leave the island. So I came here to see why he chose being a hunter overstaying at home with me. " 

"The exit oh thank goodness we are finally getting out of this dark tunnel." A guy said. 

(Y/N), Gon and Killua speed up. (BTW (Y/N) joined the race in was in the time skip so sorry to not mention that to you) 

"Now then let's see how many applicants made it this far. " Satotz said. Just as he was about to turn his head he heard a shout

 "GOAL!!!" (Y/N), Gon and Killua said. 

"Yeah I did it" Gon said "I finished first."

"What are you talking about? I totally won." Killua said. 

"Huh? No I won." Gon replied.

"I won." Killua objected. 

"I was faster than both of you so you guys have to buy me dinner." (Y/N) responded. 

"No way I was faster so you both are buying me diner." Killua objected. 

"Na-ah, I was faster." Gon turned to Satotz. "Hey which one of us was fastest?" 

"You crossed the finish line simultaneously. " Satotz replied. 

"Okay. Fine, I guess I'll have to buy you your dinner. But then you have to buy (Y/N) dinner and (Y/N) has to buy me dinner. Okay?" Gon asked. 

"Okay." (Y/N) replied.

"I don't get it." Killua responded.

"hey Mr. Satotz is this where the Second Phase begins?" Gon asked ignoring Killua.

"No it isn't we have quite a way to go." Satotz responded.

"Aw man. " (Y/N) exclaimed. 

Soon after everyone else made it. 

"Hey Kurapika." Gon exclaimed. 

"Hey." Kurapika responded. 

(Y/N) zoned out Gon and Kurapika's conversation and tried to stop himself from laughing at the state that Leorio was in. 

"Looks like the fog is lifting." Kurapika said snapping (Y/N) out of his daze. 

"The Milsy wetlands also known as Swindlers Swamp. We must cross it to reach Phase two of the exam. This place is home to a variety of truly bizarre animals, many of which are crafty, voracious creatures, who deceive and feast on human prey. So please, be very careful. If you're deceived, you'll surely die." Satotz warned. 

'Great another trail that leads to death. Something everyone needs' (Y/N) thought sarcastically.

"Wait for me!" A contestant screamed as the metal doors were closing. 

"These wetland creatures are not to be underestimated, for they will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. This is an ecosystem in which all creatures hunt by the art of deception.  And that is why it is also known as Swindler's Swamp. Now then, follow me closely so you won't be deceived." Satotz said face towards the swamp. 

"*Scoffs* Is he messing with us? If we know they'll try to deceive us, who's gonna fall for it?" Leorio exclaimed.   

'Geez cocky much'(Y/N) thought. 

"Don't fall for it!" Some random guy exclaimed. 

"Listen, didn't I just say that we won't?" Leorio exclaimed clear obvious to what's gonna happen. 

"Don't let them fool you! He's lying. That man is lying to you. He's an imposter. Total fraud. I'm the real examiner. You got it?" The man claimed

"Imposter? What's going on here?" Leorio exclaimed. 

"But then, who is he, really?" 294 asked. 

'Can't believe they are actually fall for this. Saw this on TV and even I am smart enough to know the guys lying' (Y/N) exclaimed.                                                                                                                           (sorry of the story I know but just wondering if any of you guys actually fell for this trick. Its okay to admitted it cause I kind of did. Cause it's just suddenly happened and I am dumb.)

"I'll prove it, look at this!"  The man said dragging a body that looked NOTHING like Satotz. 

"OH wow he looks like Mr. Satotz!" Gon exclaimed. 

"HOW!!!!!!!!" (Y/N) said right back to Gon "There is a very clear difference at that Mr. Satotz doesn't have a mouth or side burns and the color of the hair doesn't even match." 

"This is a man faced ape from the Milsy Wetlands." The man replied 

"A man faced what?" Leorio said. 

'Great I am being ignored wow' (Y/N) thought.

"The Man-faced ape loves the taste of human flesh.  But their limbs are really long and thin, so they're actually quite weak. That's why the disguise themselves as humans  They trick us into following them into the wetlands, where they work together with other creatures to kill an eat us. That's what he wants. To deceive the entire Hunter applicants pool and feast on every one of you." The man accused. 

"Bastard." Leorio exclaimed. 

"Oh yeah? Well then that will certainly explain why he doesn't walk like a normal human. " 294 exclaimed. 

*WHOOSH* Three cards were impaled into the man and thrown (which he caught) at Satotz.

"I see, I see. That settles it, then. So you are the real one." Number 44 Hisoka exclaimed "Examiners are Hunter. Each is hand-picked by the Exam Committee to do this job without pay. Anyone who holds the title we're vying for ourselves could have deflected that attack. And quite easily, I might add. " Hisoka explained. 

"I shall take that as a compliment. Thank you. Still , should you choose to attack me again, for any reason, I will have no choose but to report you for attacking an Examiner  and have you immediately disqualified. Is that clear?" Satotz warned. 

"Of course." Hisoka responded. 

"He was trying to confuse the applicants and lure some of you away. These attempts are to be expected." Satotz stated. 

"We can't let our guard down." Killua exclaimed. 

"Right." Gon replied.

"Please be aware that you will encounter such deceptions on a regular basis. I must assume a number of you were fooled into suspecting my true identity ." Satotz said.

"Oh well I uh..." Leorio said. 

"Understand, I want to make it abundantly clear that if any of you are to lose sight of me once we enter the fog of the Milsy Wetlands, you have no hope whatsoever of reaching the Second Phase of the Exam. You've been warned. Now lets begin. Please follow me."  With that Satotz starts running again.

"Oh great, Its another marathon." Leorio exclaimed.

"Except this time we're in a swamp and running on wet grounds requires significantly more energy." Kurapika replied. 

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